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"I can't believe you were so scared!" Blaise Zabini burst out into a fit of laughter. "You should have seen your face!"

"Blaise, I could have killed you!" Clementine lowered her wand and pushed the wizard hard in the chest. "You can't sneak up on me like that! There's a reason witches are afraid of walking alone in the dark."

Blaise tried to catch his breath, still doubled over from laughing, "I wish I had taken a picture. Oh, I can't wait to tell Theo about this."

"Why are you even here right now?" Clementine scowled. "Shouldn't you be out in the French Riviera living it up as Witch Weekly's bachelor of the year?"

"I was never bachelor of the year. I was a runner up, thank you." Blaise said as if it were obvious. "I live here."

"In the middle of the woods?" Clementine looked around for any signs of a house when there wasn't one.

"No, I live in town." Blaise nodded towards the direction they were walking. Hogsmeade was just barely out of view, but the lights could be seen in the distance. "I work for Gringotts at their bank location here, and do some business on the side for the school."

"What kind of business?" Clementine had to ask.

"The kind that's mine, and not yours." Blaise side-eyed her. "It's confidential."

"Fine." Clementine crossed her arms over her chest, "Don't tell me then. Everyone's keeping secrets around here apparently."

"More than you know." Blaise laughed in agreement. His words notably cryptic, "Are you coming to drinks?"

"Drinks?" Clementine wrinkled her nose, "When?"

"Right now. I guess no one has told you about it yet." Blaise explained, "But you should come."

"I don't want to come somewhere I'm not invited." Clementine spoke tepidly.

She already felt weird enough stepping into all of her old friendships like no time had passed. Everyone else acted as if it were so normal for her to be there, but she couldn't feel more out of place.

"You're invited." Blaise rolled his eyes, "Theo's there. Of course you're invited."

"He would have invited me then. Maybe he's got some girl he doesn't want me to know about."

Clementine couldn't help but to wonder what kind of girls Theo had been dating the past few years. Probably a Greengrass sister, or someone of similar status. They seemed like his type.

"He's not seeing anyone currently." Blaise smirked, "Why? Are you interested?"

"Shut up." The blush blooming on her cheeks was hidden in the darkness, but they both knew it was there.

The Hog's Head Inn had just come into view, and the two saw Theo standing by the door.

"There you are, we've been waiting forever." His voice sounded impatient, "I was about to come looking for you."

"I told you I'd be here late." Blaise frowned as he walked through the door, peeling off his cloak and hanging it on the coat hook.

The warm air felt inviting as Clementine walked in beside him. Theo closed the door behind them and trailed in after them.

"I wasn't talking about you, Blaise." Theo threw his arm over Clementine's shoulders and pulled her close, "I was talking about Tangerine."

"You're still calling her that?" Blaise snorted. He motioned towards Cho who was already making his usual cocktail as soon as he walked in.

STAY WITH ME | Draco x OC x TheoWhere stories live. Discover now