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Draco's side of the bed was empty when Clementine woke the following morning. She felt her heart sink as she clutched at the cold sheets. She couldn't deny the feeling of disappointment growing in her chest, as much as she wanted to pretend that it wasn't there.

Climbing out of bed, Clementine walked around her room looking for any trace that he had been there recently. It looked as if he hadn't been there at all. Gone without leaving a trace was Draco's style.

A sharp knock on the door after she finished getting dressed made Clementine jump. She smiled, opening the door expecting to see a blond staring back at her. Her smile faltered when she saw the brunet there instead.

"Oh. Hi." Clementine stepped backwards with her hand still on the door creating space between them. Her arm acted as a barrier that Theo could not cross. "What are you doing here?"

"Were you expecting someone else?" Theo asked. His curls fell across his forehead as he tilted his head to stare down at the girl, watching her curiously.

"This early in the morning? Definitely not." Clementine's insides twisted, knowing that she was lying to him.

She had promised herself from the beginning to be very open with both him and Draco about her intentions, and she kept breaking that promise at every opportunity. She dropped her arm and stood a bit more welcoming of his presence.

"McGonagall asked me to fetch you for a staff meeting." Theo stepped inside, noticing the opportunity. He looked around her living space before turning back to her. "Said it's important."

"That witch and her staff meetings will be the end of me." Clementine rolled her eyes and leaned on the doorframe. "What is it this time?"

"It sounded serious." Theo's brow furrowed as he recalled his conversation with the headmistress. "Something to do with Hooch."

"She's not missing, is she?" Clementine's eyes snapped to attention. "That's the last thing we need right now."

"I don't think so. It happened this morning before quidditch practice." Theo shook his head. "I don't have any details, so we should get going."

The two walked quietly down the corridor. Clementine's mind wandered to the night before. So much had happened and she still didn't have time to process it all. She wondered where Neville and Pansy were— she still had so many questions.

"Did you have fun last night?" Theo asked, breaking the silence. Clementine's stomach lurched— she would have rather walked in excruciating silence than to talk about last night at all. Especially with Theo of all people.

"What?" She blinked and looked back at him. Her heart raced as she tried to think of anything else to say. Would Theo rather know about her night with Draco, or how she got involved with disposing of a dead body? Vampire or not, it wasn't a story worth sharing.

"Did you have fun last night?" Theo repeated his words with direct intent as he eyed her suspiciously. Clementine could tell in his eyes that as curious as he was he still didn't know anything. "Blaise left the ball early, and you disappeared shortly after."

"If only you paid that close attention to your own date." Clementine snorted in disbelief. "Maybe Susan would have had a better time."

"Susan had a great time, actually." Theo scoffed at the insinuation. "But really, where did you run off?"

"I was... busy... chaperoning." Clementine chose her words carefully. "You know, it's sort of the entire reason we were there, remember?"

"Pansy and Neville don't need any chaperoning." Theo raised a brow. "That sounds like an excuse to me. You know as well as I do that they're not having an affair. Pansy isn't even interested in men, and Neville has only ever had eyes for Luna."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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