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"Attention students," McGonagall's voice filled the great hall. The sound of forks and knives scraping against plates ceased as everyone looked towards the headmistress with resigned interest. "I'm sure by now most of you have heard about the murder in Dufftown."

A murmur filled the hall as people whispered about the muggle girl. Clementine's hair fell across her face, hiding from view as everyone continued chattering with their theories and speculation about her death.

"Due to its close proximity to our school, we have decided to increase security measures. Trips to Hogsmeade will only be allowed by those seventeen or older." McGonagall continued.

"You've gone mad!" Vanessa's voice called out in protest. It was followed by a roar of agreement from other students.

"Quiet!" McGonagall pursed her lips and waited for everyone to settle down, "Those older than seventeen, including professors, must go to Hogsmeade in groups of two or more. No one is to be on campus grounds near the woods alone until further notice."

"Things must be getting serious for McGonagall to alert the students." Theo muttered so only Clementine could hear. She looked up at him, watching the concern in his eyes fade to warmth as she met his gaze.

"Something like that." Clementine flushed, staring back down at the table. The subject of the Dufftown murder was getting harder to avoid. It kept creeping into conversation, and made her more and more anxious the more time she spent thinking about it.

"Oi," Neville whispered, leaning across Luna to get their attention, "We're all going to Hog's Head tonight. Are you coming?"

"Who is we?" Theo asked.

Neville shrugged, "The usual group."

Theo's face lit up and he looked at Clementine, "Sure, we'll come."

"I think I'll pass." Clementine muttered. She was not thrilled to have Theo answering for her. "It's been a long day."

"Suit yourself." Neville turned his attention back to McGonagall.

She played with the food on her plate for the remainder of McGonagall's speech, but had lost her appetite completely. She wasn't in the mood to be here. She just wanted to go back to her room and be alone.

As soon as they were dismissed, Clementine leapt out of her seat without as much as a goodbye. She knew Theo would catch up to her, he always did. She had barely made it out of the Great Hall when she felt his hand wrap around her wrist, pulling her to a stop.

"Clem, what's going on?" Theo's brows knit together in concern. "You don't want to go?"

"You could have asked me if I wanted to go to Hogsmeade." Clementine frowned, "Instead of just speaking for me."

"That's why you're mad?" Theo laughed, "I thought it was something serious. Come on, you have to go with me! We need to travel in pairs if you listen to what McGonagall has to say."

Clementine could feel her icy exterior melting away as she watched the smile on Theo's face. It never took much for him to convince her of anything, often to her own detriment. He grinned even wider as he felt her begin to cave.

"Alright, fine." Clementine conceded. She pointed a finger at him accusingly, "But you're buying all of my drinks."

"What kind of man would I be if I made a witch pay for her own drinks?" Theo winked.

The dirt crunched under their feet as they walked the path towards Hogsmeade. The sun had already set, and darkness covered everything like a blanket. Clementine pulled her coat tighter around her body as the air began to turn colder.

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