|21| Heart to heart with the boss

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Cute little pic of Grace and Melissa ⬆️

I had absolutely nothing to do on Saturday or Sunday except for binging a bunch of random shit on Netflix. That's my weekend summed up, literally

It's Monday now and since I'm not allowed to go anywhere without my dad taking me I've resorted to doing sit ups in my room. Exercising is probably something I haven't done in awhile and I think I would've gone crazy if I didn't at least do something. Yeah I'm pretty sure I could've gone to the gym but I don't like the idea of my dad sitting in the car park waiting for me.

I'm being forced to go to school despite how tired I'm feeling, todays another lazy day: ripped jeans, hair out and a baggy sweater, I feel a lot better when I wear clothes that are big for me.... It makes me feel skinnier

I sit at the island with my head rested against the surface, if it were up to me I would've left a long time ago but my dad has taken it upon himself to drive me to school. He's dropping Matteo and Santiago too so we're waiting for them to hurry their slow asses up

Finally after what felt like years it was time to go, "Let's go mi hija"

I trail behind the three of them as we leave the house, Matty runs towards the car. "Hurry up dad!"

He chuckles before unlocking the doors, "Wanna sit at the front?" Santiago asks me

I open the back door before sitting down and resting my head against the window. In the last twenty four hours the only thing I've had is a bowl of cereal, so yeah I'm exhausted. Dad looks back, "Where's your bag" He asks me

"I don't need it" I mutter

He sighs before starting the engine and pulling out of the driveway, I could sense Santiago glancing back at me every now and then but I was too tired to even comment on it. We dropped Matty to school and then reached ours five minutes after, "I don't want any phone calls about you" Dad warns

Santi takes off his seatbelt, "Yeah yeah"

I open my door and he looks back at me, "Straight home with Enzo"

I shut the door behind me before following my brother towards the building, I then stop and Santiago frowns as he looks back at me. I watch as our dad drives out of the parking lot before turning away.


If Santi thinks I'm going into that building then he's just as delusional as the next man. He grabs my arm, "C wait-

"Get off" I say seriously

He raises his hands with surrender, "I just...-

"Just what?" I scoff

He looks down guiltily, "I wanna apologise-

"If your expecting me to smile and say that I forgive you then let me tell you now, that's not what's about to happen"

"I know" He says quietly

"Just pretend I don't exist like you've been doing for the past few days" He frowns as I walk away

I don't know the time, I don't know how long it's been, but I know it's been awhile. After ditching school I decided to go to the park since I don't exactly have anywhere else to go to, I've been sat on the swings for god knows how long and I'm pretty sure I fell asleep at one point.

I play with the pink scrunchie on my wrist as I slowly push off on the swing. To sum up everything I've thought about is pretty simple, I thought about my conversation with Eliza on Thursday, the fact that I'm having to stay away from Carter too and also how he'll probably be the one to end up telling Zoe and June my secret.

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