|17| Element of speech

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I actually missed school today. Turns out the three of us slept through our alarms and even when we woke up we couldn't be bothered to get out of bed, plus Sienna's parents already left for work way before we woke up. The three of us spent our time watching Gilmore girls until about 2 when Zoe and I decided to get ready to go home, "See you tomorrow my sweet campers!" Sienna called out before we left

I actually kept my phone off during the day because I know that it's probably loaded with a ton of messages, I think... Anyway Zoe pulled up to my driveway within ten minutes and it was only then that I started to regret leaving Sienna's house so early.

And it turns out that the only person who texted me throughout this whole day was Carter, which means no one noticed I left. I know for a fact that all my siblings are home because dads letting them spend time with mom, he's acting like she's dying. Anyway as I walked into the house Santiago and Lola were looking at me confused, "I thought you were upstairs" My sister says

Oh look, now they're speaking to me.

I ignore her comment before going upstairs and going into my room, then locking it behind me. I turn on my phone as I sit down

Carter: Where are you?
That message was sent at 9:05

Then he sent another one at 12:25
Carter: Your excuse better be good

I smile before typing
Me: I'm alive

He replies almost instantly
Carter: Where the fuck have you been?
Me: I overslept at Sienna's and I wasn't bothered to come in
Carter: You working today?
Me: Of course
Carter: And have you eaten today?
Me: Yes actually, I had McDonald's

This is in fact true

Carter: Are you lying to me
Me: I'll give you one of my promises to show how truthful I'm being
Carter: I look forward to it

I spent the next hour on my phone and then watching Netflix on my laptop. But then finally the clock hit 4:15 which is the time I usually leave so that I can go and watch Grace, however I was stopped when I tried to leave. "Mi hija"

I turn around, "I want you to stay home tonight" Dad says

"I can't I've got work"

"Yes you can"

"Well I don't want to" I reply

"That's why I'm not asking, I'm telling. You haven't had dinner with us in awhile"

I scoff, "Your joking"

"No lo estoy"

"What's the point in me staying it's not like any of you noticed that I wasn't here yesterday" I say annoyed

He frowns, "You were in your room-

"No actually I was at Siennas but you wouldn't know that because you were busy watching telenovelas with your wife and doing god knows what else"

"Your staying and that's final"

Just one more year and I can move out

"I literally hate every single one of you" I mutter before going back up the stairs. This family is incredibly aggravating and sometimes I wish I wasn't part of it. I sit at my desk as I take my phone out of my bag, I then sigh before calling Melissa

She answers on the third ring, "Carmen, is everything alright dear?"

"Everything's ok. It's just my dad....he wants me to stay home because he hasn't seen me in awhile"

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