Making it up to you

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This one's for the people who have Adriana in their libraries (and the MTM fans too), iykyk
Anyway this is me making it up to you for the slow updates on Adri😽

I got up at around ten today, for some reason my body just didn't want me to sleep in. I found it a little weird that Carter wasn't up even when twelve o'clock hit, when I tell you this man refuses to sleep until that time I mean it. He usually gets up around nine (or sometimes even before then when he has work) and heads downstairs to our gym, not today though.

I wipe away remaining water from my mouth before shutting the light to the en suite and walking back into our room, my husband lies there with the comforter covering his waist. I crawl onto the bed before bending my head over his and kissing him on the nose, "Wake up" I murmur

"In a sec" Carter sleepily replies

I trace his abs, "You ok?"

He nods as I play with his hair, "Alright well we'll be downstairs. Want anything?"

"Just to sleep"

I give him one last kiss before patting his back and getting up, I guess he's just a little too sleepy today. As I head downstairs a barking sound gets increasingly louder, Stefan's full of energy today.

I stroke him before looking ahead into the kitchen, "Morning"

Alaska looks up from her phone, "Hey"

"What's for breakfast"

"Two boxes of cereal and oatmeal"

I scrunch my face, "Bleurgh"

"Yeah we kind of forgot to do the shopping" 

"Dang it I was looking forward to food" A voice says from behind us

I turn around with surprise, "Since when did you get back"

My son grins, "Hi mommy"

"Ew" Alaska mutters as I pull him in for a warm crushing hug

"My baby" I murmur as I stand on my tiptoes

He was at our beach house for a week and a half with some of his friends, if it's trashed then they know what's coming their way. I don't play around with mess so for each piece of trash I find, everybody owes me twenty dollars....each.

I kiss him on the head as he pulls away, "Relax mom. I'm a man now"

"You're seventeen, and we both know you haven't gotten laid in two months" Alaska interferes

I sit at the island with disgust, "Changing the topic now"

"So who came with you?" I then ask

"The usual. Derrick, Ace, Michael, Esteban, Thomas and Eric. Also, Elijah too"

Alaska sighs dreamily, "Esteban is so fine"

I laugh and her brother scrunches his nose, "Stop. Never gonna happen"

"You say that now but he'll definitely ask me to dance at my quinceañera next year..... next thing you know we'll be married-

"He'll be eighteen when you're fifteen you nasty ass-

"He can wait-

"Let her dream Thiago" I say amused

He rolls his eyes, "Where's sperm donor?" 

We hear a few coughs as footsteps make their way down the stairs, "Right here you prick"

Choosing to ignore their awful humour, I frown as they high five. It may seem like the high five is what had me frowning but it was actually Carter, something isn't right. "Carter" I watch as he sits down

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