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14. || canary in a coal mine.

As admirable as the woman's kindness was, it wasn't doing none of them no good. Even if they could get Béla to the surface, no amount of water from the spring would heal his wounds and a merciful death would never come within these woods that they could not leave. The only end River knew for him was through the bloodmarked rite of the ancients. And demon or not, they weren't exactly kind in their reaping.

River stepped to the side of Béla and raised the lantern to look down the empty chamber ahead. "Hey uh, Nurse," they said over their shoulder. "Can I steal ya for a sec?"

Patting Béla's hand, the woman stood up and gave River a shifty look like she was afraid to lock eyes too long. Still, she followed behind to the crosscut while River made sure to keep to the far left, staying out of Béla's earshot.

Piles of slate and coal spilled out of an upturned mine car, blocking a portion of the tracks that led back to the main heading where the initial blast had occurred. As River placed the lantern on top of the car, the dim yellow glow washed over the woman. Coal dust caked her face black, brightening her eyes, but she didn't stay looking too long. Instead, she dipped her head and crossed her arms that were wet with gore, fingers all stained red, but not fresh red, more faded like the color of the crick; old blood that would never dry.

As River stepped closer to speak, she backed away. And that hurt a little, but they understood and toed it back to give her space.

"I uh, just wanted to say I'm much obliged for your kindness towards my friend. I'm sure wrappin' your head round all this ain't easy." A guttural groan rolled through the tunnel, but its source was not the eviscerated man lying along the floor a couple yards away. The woman's eyes followed the slick black shine of a coal vein to the roof above them. "But uh, if you're still plannin' to ditch that garnet, do it quick and let's go."

"I'm not so sure I should now. It led me here." The woman toyed with her ring, straightening it out on her finger. "And I feel like it wants me to go deeper yet."

"Right..." River bit their lip as they tried to catch the woman's fleeting eyes. "But maybe we oughta not listen to a cursed ring three hundred feet below ground in an abandoned mine."

"It led me to Béla."

"Again, much obliged, but it's best we say our goodbyes and git goin'."

"We can't just leave him, River."

"Can't leave him? He's a ghost."

Her coal stained brows knotted with a glare. "He's in pain."

"He's a damn haunt. Some kinda undead spirit." River stepped closer, trying to keep their voice low. "And if that cursed ring led ya to him, he could be demon for all we know."

"Like you?"

Her accusation hung in the air as her eyes shifted over River like she was seeing them for the first time again, searching for an answer that would never come because they didn't know what the hell they were. Just cursed. And that was bad enough.

"You scared of me now, Boots?"

She was quiet for a second as she continued to look them over. "Not in the way I should be."

"Well, think what ya want," River scoffed. "Tell yourself whatever ya need in order to believe. But I for sure ain't dead. Nor am I tryin' to be. I outran death in this mine twice before and I don't need her thinkin' thrice be a charm." Grabbing the lantern from the car, River started to turn back. "So unless you're lookin' to—"

"Shh." The woman's eyes sharpened as she looked around. "Did you hear that?"

"The mountain warning us with her snarl? Aye, we need to git—"

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