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"One bottle of champagne and two steaks please"

I smiled at the waiter when he left. Yoongi took me to a fancy restaurant here in Paris it's our fourth day here and all we ever did was walk around the streets here, take pictures, eat, go home, well yes of course we fuck, then sleep, repeat.

"Let's go to the eiffel tower tomorrow?" he asked me holding my hand that was placed on the table.

My eyes beamed as I was so excited to go there. "Yes! Oh my god!" I giggled happily.

While waiting for the food my phone rang. It was Hoseok video calling. "Hey guys!" he greeted as soon as I answered. "Mommy!" Aera soon appeared on the screen making my face lit up.

"Hey baby! I miss you!" I said.

"How are you guys there?" I asked Hoseok because Aera already ran away to go to Yeji.

"Were good, Aera just threw a tantrum last night because Namjoon sang her to sleep, ended up making the poor baby cry" Hoseok said making me chuckle.

"I told you to play one of my songs," Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"I did!" Jin said snatching the phone from Hoseok. "No shit but your daughter takes after her father's tantrums" Jin said.

Yoongi glared at him. The waiter suddenly arrived.

"I'll call again later, food is here" I said and ended the call.

The waiter served the food on the table as well as the champagne. Yoongi and I made a toast before drinking the champagne. "Love, let's go to a jewelry store I wanna buy Aera the necklace I saw online, it says it's only available here" I said.

Yoongi agreed so as soon as we finished eating we stroll around the streets to look for the jewelry store I was looking for Aera.

"excusez moi" Yoongi spoke to the lady on the front to ask for the bracelet as we got inside the store.

We were immediately assisted and we bought the bracelet for our daughter.

Aera means love

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Aera means love. So I bought her a heart shaped bracelet, a resemblance to her name, love.

Love, that was what she was made of.

The love that Yoongi and I have was the reason why she's here with us. She is the reason why Yoongi and I are here now. The reason why we keep on going in life. Our daughter, Aera.

"My legs hurt," I said and sat on the bed massaging my legs as I was tired from walking.

"Aw, you're tired already?!" Yoongi said.

I saw a glimpse of disappointment from his face.

"why? what are you planning?" I asked.

"baby making" he said making me widen my eyes.

"Yoongi, today's our fourth day here and everyday we're baby making! come on give me a break!" I complain.

My back is aching, last night my thighs were already shaking, and now he wants more?!

"fine fine, you also need a break" He kissed my forehead. "Imma head out to buy something, you can stay here" He said before saying goodbye.

I immediately fell asleep when he left.

Min Yoongi POV

"Excuse me?" I said when I entered the jewelry shop.

The lady on the counter gasp when she saw me. "Mon Dieu!" she said. "Min Yoongi! from BTS right?" she asked.

I smiled. "yes, you're correct" I said.

"what do you need, mr. yoongi?" she asked.

I looked around before asking, "Do you do personalized necklaces?" I asked.

"yes, sir. what would you want us to personalize" she asked.

"I would want to gift my wife a necklace, with my last name as a pendant" I said.

"Oh! for Mrs. Min! We can make that today sir. It will only take three to four hours because you last name consists with three letters only" The lady said.

"That's fine, I'll be back, I'll just buy a few things" I said before heading outside to buy donuts.

Y/N always loves donuts. I bought a dozen with assorted flavors before going to a baby store to buy Aera some clothes and shoes.

I found a cute pink dress that will surely look pretty on her so I took it, I also bought three pairs of new shoes for her and a shirt that says 'Dad's the best', Y/N would certainly frown when she sees this.

When I finished strolling I came to take the necklace and came back to the hotel. As I entered the room Y/N was fast asleep in the middle of the bed.

"Mrs. Min, your husband is home," I said and she slowly opened her eyes.

I will never not get used to this sight, it will always make my heart beat a hundred times faster. The smile she does when she wakes up seeing me is the best.

"Hello Love," She said.

I made her sit up. "What's that?" She asked when I wore the necklace on her.

She looked at the pendant and gasped. "Min," she said.

"yeah, my mrs. min"

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