Moving day- Chapter 1

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This is my first story- please don't judge

       It's been a year...ONE year and we've moved three times. We are never short on money, and we are never struggling with where we are. I truly do believe my parents have commitment problems when it comes to houses...and states. Then again I think it might just be that whatever my Dad wants my Mom gives. And my Dad always wants to move. I guess it's whatever, but I'm not sure I can survive one more minute is this hell hole with my little sister.

"OWUHHHH, MOM Y/N HIT MEEEE" l/s/n (little sisters name) yelled with a smirk on her face, glaring up at you. "I DID NOT, IM LITERALLY ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE CAR" you yelled in response, throwing your hands up defensively.

"Y/n keep your hands to yourself , honey are you okay?" Said your mom glaring at you. "I-ughhhh" you said moaning in response to l/s/n petty lies.

Sometimes I wish I was the only child, considering I'm the "trouble maker of the family" just because I like rock music, and chewing gum. My family is a family you could consider, the stereotypical type. "Bad" older daughter, "Angel" of a younger daughter, and two basic parents. I wish I could at least relate to someone, but you never know I guess...

-you fell asleep in the car for the rest of the 4 hours to plain view-

We had finally arrived at out destination. I woke up to my little sister forcing my eyelids open with her fingers, "get off you little piece of sh", "y/nnnn" I was interrupted by my Mom as she gave me a dirty look.

I threw l/s/n off me and stepped out of the car. To my surprise it was a very cute neighborhood. All grass green, all houses landscaped with flowers and trees, it was all thriving.

I turned around to see our new home, a two story house, aligned with purple flowers, and bushes along the side. Of all places we had stayed in the past, I hope this one would be ours for the rest of...well forever. That is until I eventually move out of course.

I walked back to the car to grab my bags, only to turn back and see a near middle aged women walking towards our house holding a toddler.It seemed as if she might be coming to welcome us to the neighborhood .

I waved my Mom down to let her know. "Hiii there, you must be the new neighbors" the lady said to me in a kind voice. "Hey, yeah we are, your probably hoping to speak to my Mom thought, she'll only be down in a sec". I said smiling looking back at the house signifying my Mom was inside.

"Oh well you are in fact right, you must be her daughter, I'm Susan Heffley, I live just next door, and this is Manny." She said pointing at her house then looking at the child. "Oh awesome, so nice to meet you Mrs. Heffley, I'm y/n, y/l/n (your first and last name). And my Mom is m/n (moms name), oh and there she is." I said smiling.

"Well it was wonderful to meet you, and you have a lovely name, not to make you uncomfortable, but you are also an extremely pretty young lady" she said readjusting Manny in her arms.

"Awe you are too kinddd".... "Hellooooo, I'm so sorry to make you wait I'm m/n" My Mom said interrupting me. I continued to take mr bags and walk away to let them talk. The inside of the house was already refurnished, and had a cozy feeling to it.

I went upstairs to my new room, threw my bags on the floor, and tossed myself straight onto my new bed. My room was almost like and attic, a medium sized bed drowned in fluffy pillows, and a large space in the middle. Perfect for my drum set, I stood up and did a quick spin just to get an idea on how to decorate with band posters, and lights.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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