The Mental Health Unit; A Tale of Two Worlds

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There will be swearing

Y/n=Your name

When Y/n woke up that morning, she flinched, grasping her abdomen. "Ugghh... Shit," she groaned, sitting up. Y/n got ready to go to school, deciding to drive, not wanting to deal with children.

Y/n went through the same stuff as she did the day before. She yelled at people, but still got a decent spot. She walked up to school, sluggish and with an almost unnoticeable limp. She felt the same presence looking at her, so she looked around, but saw no one around. Some people sitting at tables, but other than that there was no one. She noticed the same group of people as she did the morning before, she sped up keeping her eyes to the floor, noticeably cringing at the feeling in her stomach. When she got to her table, he sighed and relaxed lightly, still keeping up her guard.

Y/n sat there reading her fanfic, people watching every once in a while. The way people worked interested them. I wonder when my friends are getting here. They eventually did.

~Time Skip to 2nd Period~

"Today's unit is Mental Health," Mrs. Clark said walking into class, setting up slides on the TV in the classroom. "What are some examples of mental illnesses?" Mrs. Clark asked, looking around. Someone raised their hand. "Yes, you."

"Depression, anxiety, ADHD, and eating disorders are just a few," the person answered, Y/n wasn't paying attention, she knew all this, and she was very opinionated in this topic.

"Thank you, a stigma is a bad image or idea attached to something, what are some stigmas about mental illness?" The teacher asked, and Y/n raised their hand. "Yes, Y/n."

"Examples are people often think people with depression are all assumed to be sad, unmotivated, and lazy. For anxiety is shy, anxious all the time, to name a few," Y/n stated.

"Yes, great examples, thank you Y/n," Mrs. Clark said, changing the slide. "Can anyone name any celebrities with mental health issues?" She asked, no one answered. Y/n knew a few but didn't want to raise their hand. Mrs. Clark changed the slides again, "Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, had depression."

"There's no way," a voice said behind Y/n, she turned around to look at the person.

"Why not?" Y/n asked with an angry tone.

"He's perfect, he's rich, buff, and works out. He has a perfect life," Calvin said, looking genuinely confused.

"That doesn't mean he doesn't have depression." Y/n and Freya said together.

"Don't get angry," one of Calvin's friends, Celeb, said, glaring at the two.

"Don't get defensive or offensive," Mrs. Clark said, looking between the two groups. "Calvin here was genuinely confused," she said looking at the Y/n and Freya, "and there's no need to get mad about them trying to ask questions or stating things. Everyone has different ideas," she stated, looking at Celeb.

Everyone in the situation nodded their heads. Y/n felt a kick at her feet, turning around confused. Calvin sat stretching out his legs, hitting her feet, which were tucked under her chair, in the process. "Hey," Y/n whispered harshly. Calvin looked up.

"What," he replied, whispering back sharply.

"Can you move your legs back, please," Y/n said, "You're hitting my feet."

"No, I don't want to," Calvin huffed at her, crossing his arms.

Y/n sighed, turning back around, listening to the rest of what the teacher had to say. Every once in a while, she could feel a light hit at her feet. At the end of the class, everyone had about 7 minutes to sit and talk.

"'He has a perfect life, he doesn't have depression, who the actual fuck thinks that," Farrah said quietly to the small group around Y/n's desk.

"Could you actually believe people were raised that way..." Y/n said.

"I wasn't paying attention, what's going on?" Micheal asked, looking at them all confused.

"Calvin said that there's no way Dwayne actually has depression because he has a perfect life," Freya said.

"Who's Calvin?" Micheal asked, lightly turning their head.

"The one over there with the light brown hair and the dumb face," Y/n said, pointing at his group across the room.

"That doesn't narrow it down, they all look like that," Micheal said.

"The one with that's standing closest to us, his back is turned to us," Farrah said, pointing exactly at him.

"Ohhhh," Micheal said, "he looks like the type of person to say that."

"Shit, guys shhh," Y/n said, "They're looking over here," she glanced over from the corner of her eye, the group was looking over at hers.

The bell rung and everyone made their way out the room, Y/n walking a bit slower than her friends.

"Why are you walking so slow," Farrah asked, slowing down to match Y/n's step.

"Oh, I never ended up doing anything about that bruise, I have stuff at home though," Y/n said quietly, gently holding her stomach.

"Okay, you better," Farrah said, glaring lightly, hitting Y/n's head lightly. "Don't make us worry." 

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