Mae Walker

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I get in to the other carriage and my anger washes away leaving me feeling guilty and sad. I collapse on to the floor crying, my body shaking with sobs.

"Need a tissue?"

I look up and see a girl with blonde hair in a bun on her head holding out a tissue.

"I'm good, thanks," I reply wiping my eyes.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"No, duh!" I say and we both laugh.

"Hi, I'm Zahra" I say and stick out my hand.

"I'm Mae" She says back and instead of taking my hand she engulfs my tiny frame in a bear hug.

I wipe my eyes again and take a good look at this stranger who was so nice to me when in a week we will be fighting to the death. Mae is not exactly what you would call pretty but she is definately someone noticeable. Her blonde hair catches the sunlight making it look golden and her startlingly blue eyes look like sapphires. She is not pretty but definately striking. Next to her I feel small and plain. I guess I am really, my short brown, black hair reaches my waist but is damaged and ugly, my face is small making my brown eyes look far too big on my face, my nose it slightly upturned and my mouth is always dry. My features might look good on anyone but me.

"Hello, earth to Zahra!" Mae waves a hand in front if my face.

"Oh, sorry," I apologise.

"No need!" She giggles.

"Mae! I've been looking for you everywhere!" A kind of short boy comes up to us.

"God, Josh. You worry to much!" Mae turns and gives him a peck on the cheek. "Josh this is Zahra, my new friend and Zahra this is Josh, my boyfriend!" I smile and greet Josh and like Mae instead of shaking my hand gives me a big hug.

"Well it was nice to meet you, but I should probably get back," I say.

"Yeah well, we should hang out sometime. Me and Josh are district 12 so floor 12 in the tribute centre!" Mae says abd gives me a goodbye hug.

As I walk away back to my carriage I tell them that I'm district 4 so that they will know where to find me.

When I get back through to my carriage I think about Mae and Josh. Boyfriend and Girlfriend. They will have to fight in the arena and I bet would die to save each other but I've got to kill both of them if I wanna get back home. Back to my family.

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