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I am shoved through a doorway to meet my stylist as my prep team says I'm already perfect, even though I'm far from it. I stand in my dress waiting and waiting.

My stomach rumbles and thats when I realise that I haven't eaten all day.

"You hungry?" A girlish voice says. I swing around ready to snap and see Mae looking at me with an idiotic grin on her face.

"How could you possibly tell," I reply sarcastically with a smile of my own forming on my face.

"Why are you here?" I ask, "I thought my stylist was meeting me here,"

"Yeah, same. I was just about to ask that!"

Just at that moment two girls who I recognise as Kayleigh and Sofie enter the room, they look like there friends but when Kayleigh smiles Sofie just glares. They go off in to their own little corner in the room and start wispering secretly. I am curious about what they're talking about but I know that curiosity and asking questions can get you in big trouble, like the time when I was at school a girl asked what was the point in learning the history of Panem if it is never going to change and never be useful, she got taken out of class and nobody ever saw her or her family ever again.

Four young looking men and women walk into the room and each walk up to one of us. Another man comes in and speaks to us, "The person standing next to you is your stylist. The four of you were brought here as your prep teams reported that you were already perfect for the tribute parade. Because of that the styists met you here instead of waiting for ages in a seperate room. Your stylists will take you ther now. That is all," The man walks briskly out, leaving us with these people.

I follow the person next to me to a plain, empty white room with mirrors covering the walls and a keypad next to the door. My stylist presses a few buttons on the keypad and a door to a closet that I never knew was there opens and reveals my outfit covered in a plasic white sheet obscuring it from view.

"Hi Zahra, I'm Shailene, your stylist. You barely know me but your going to have to trust me," she says.

"I don't trust anybody." I reply snappily.

"Well let's try to change that!" Shailene replys her smile never wavering for a second.

She pulls the cover off my outfit and leaves telling me to get changed. I'm glad for the privacy, maybe not everyone in the capitol is that bad.

I get changed barely looking at the outfit until I'm done and then I stare at myself in the mirror. I have on a coral crop top that is tight against my body and a tight green skirt that has scales on it with a slit on the side. I'm half human and half fish, I'm a mermaid.

"You like it?" Shailene says, I hadn't realised that she'd come back.

"It's gorgeous!"

"No honey, your gorgeous," she replys looking totally serious. "But I haven't done your hair!"

Shailene immediately sets to work. She puts green highlights in my hair and curls it making my hair what would normally be at my waist at my shoulders. She gives me a little bit of green eyeshadow and puts a crown of coral on my head.

I look in the mirror but I don't see myself, I see a beautiful, exotic princess of the sea, Queen of the oceans. Somebody so much more thatn me. Better than me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2015 ⏰

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