Chapter 3

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"I wasn't sure you'd come," Rose said, taking in the disheveled appearance of the Moroi sitting on the chair in her cell.

"I wasn't sure I would, either," Adrian admitted. When he'd told Lissa he would visit Rose, he hadn't realized how much it was going to hurt. Still—he was here, now. The two sat in silence, regarding one another. There was so much to say, yet hard to find the words to say it. "I know you didn't kill Tatiana. Sure, you weren't her biggest fan, but I know you didn't murder her."

"Thank you," Rose murmured, relieved to hear Adrian say that. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry for your loss."

Adrian nodded, wordlessly acknowledging her sentiments. "I'm not sure if you know she's being buried tomorrow?"

"Abe mentioned it," Rose replied, her eyes telling Adrian she knew he was aware of Abe's plan. "I'm sure it will be a lovely service."

"I expect so. Everyone will be there. The Royal families are already trying to promote their candidates for the throne." There was no mistaking the bitterness in Adrian's tone. "Anyway, who else has visited you?"

"Dad was here this morning, then Eddie. Lissa and Christian visited before lunch, and now you."

"Belikov hasn't...?" Adrian asked, his voice tight.

"No. I'm not expecting him to." Adrian muttered something under his breath that Rose didn't catch, but given the tone, she doubted it was flattering. "Lissa said you've been visiting the Guardian Council asking them to consider other suspects?"

"Yes, not that they seem to be looking very hard. As far as they're concerned, it's a done deal."

"Abe said the same," Rose admitted. "I guess I just need to hope additional evidence shows up that proves I'm innocent," she added for the sake of the Guardians who were standing nearby overhearing their conversation.

"Hard to find evidence when no one's out there looking for it," Adrian said pointedly, also for the benefit of their audience. They sat in silence for a while before Rose spoke quietly.

"Adrian? I'm sorry. About us... I took advantage of how you felt, and I shouldn't have. I hurt you, and I'm sorry."

"No, little dhampir, I'm the one who took advantage. I knew how you felt before you went to Russia. If I fooled myself that one day you might love me, then the blame is mine."

"I do love you, Adrian..."

"Just not in the way I love you," he replied, standing up and reaching out to hug Rose. They embraced for an extended moment, knowing that this might be the last time they saw one another face to face in a long time.

"Will you visit me?" Rose asked. "Please?"

"You'll want to kick me out, so you have time to sleep," Adrian promised, referring to his ability to dream walk. Then, with a last kiss on her cheek, he was gone, and Rose was left to wonder if she would ever see any of her friends again.

 Then, with a last kiss on her cheek, he was gone, and Rose was left to wonder if she would ever see any of her friends again

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