Chapter 6

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Adrian couldn't believe he was sober at this time of day, but with Vasilisa and Christian leaving for Lehigh, this would be his last chance to see them for a while. And with Belikov serving as one of Lissa's Guardians, chances are Tasha would be there, too. True to his word, Adrian had been keeping an eye on Tasha without arousing her suspicion—which is what found him walking across Court to the Dragomir townhouse, ostensibly to say goodbye to his Royal 'cousins' before they set off for college.

He'd spoken with Lissa the day before and knew the plan was to leave around 1:00 pm, using the daylight as protection from any potential Strigoi attack. The building they'd stay in at college was warded, but there was no point risking the journey there in darkness. Besides which, going to a human college meant Lissa, Christian, and most of their Guardians needed to get used to a diurnal schedule.

"Hey," Adrian called out, stepping through the open doorway of Lissa's home just before midday. Five suitcases just inside the front door were waiting to be loaded into the vehicle.

"Hi Adrian," Christian greeted, sticking his head around the wall that separated the front room from the kitchen. "Come to wish us luck?"

"Something like that," Adrian replied with an affable grin. "See you're done packing."

"They're all Lissa's. My suitcase is still upstairs."

"What the hell is she taking?" Adrian asked, finding it hard to imagine how anyone could need so much stuff.

"She and Tasha assure me it's just the basics."

"Where is everyone?" Adrian asked.

"Liss is upstairs with Tasha and Celeste packing up her makeup. Dimitri and Eddie have gone to the motor pool to collect the van, and I'm clearing out the fridge. Don't suppose you want any asparagus?" he asked, lifting a bunch for Adrian's inspection.

"I'll give it a miss," the Moroi playboy replied with a grimace. Any further comment was cut short by the arrival of Castile and Belikov.

"We're back," Eddie called out to the household. Turning to Dimitri he asked, "do you want me to pack the van?"

Dimitri nodded. "I'll help you."

Hearing footsteps on the stairs, Adrian turned to see Tasha lugging a large suitcase. Christian's, if he'd had to guess, since it didn't match the other luggage near the front door. "Dimka? This is heavy—can you help me with it, please?"

Eddie was closer, so made his way across to Tasha. "Here, let me take that."

Tasha passed the suitcase to Eddie with a tight smile, but her aura gave a telltale flash of irritation. She'd wanted interaction with Belikov, not her nephew's new Guardian. Undeterred, she followed Eddie and Dimitri out to the vehicle, Adrian trailing in her wake.

"Be careful with that one," she said to Belikov, touching his arm to get his attention. "Lissa put her breakables in there."

Adrian snorted to himself. Tasha wasn't above using any excuse to put her hands on Belikov. Dimitri didn't acknowledge her presence, although his aura hinted he did not appreciate Tasha's advances. Both his aura and body language were saying leave me alone, even if he was too polite to voice the sentiment. If Tasha thought with gentle flirting Belikov would start to reciprocate her feelings, she'd be waiting a long time.

If he was entirely honest with himself, Adrian couldn't wait for Belikov to leave Court. Seeing him was the ultimate reminder of who wasn't here. Rose. Before her death, he'd reconciled that if she couldn't be his lover, he'd settle for having her as a friend. But now she was gone, leaving a hole in all their lives. He didn't blame Abe. Not really. Yes, it was Abe's plan that had ultimately killed Rose, but Adrian was holding someone else accountable; the person who had murdered his aunt and framed his former girlfriend.

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