Chapter 19

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It surprised no one when Christian was particularly out of sorts the following morning. All the group who'd attended the biathlon bar Dimitri and Abe's Guardians were feeling a little under the weather. One by one they came downstairs, the dhampirs heading straight to the breakfast room while the Moroi fed. Adrian slunk into the breakfast parlor, lowering himself carefully into the seat at Abe's right.

"Lord Ivashkov, could you please move to another chair? That's my seat," Pavel said when he arrived a few minutes later, the morning paper in his hand. Too surprised by the request to question it, Adrian hauled his hung-over ass out of the chair, moving to the chair on Abe's other side. Abe did not make eye contact with either man, simply taking the business section of the newspaper when Pavel offered it.

"Everyone sleep ok?" Rose asked with a wicked grin, observing the misery surrounding her. Even Tasha—who had joined her shopping, hence was not hungover — appeared dispirited.

"I'm lucky I slept at all, given the stench of alcohol and Christian's snoring," Lissa said, giving her boyfriend stink-eye. It had been hours before Lissa was satisfied that Christian would not vomit and choke in his sleep. Thus, she was operating on well under her usual eight hours of rest. At least Christian had the grace to look apologetic.

"What about you, Tasha? Did you sleep well? It was exceptionally cold last night—I hope you were warm enough?" Rose asked, sounding every bit the gracious hostess.

"I slept ok. It was cold," she replied.

Rose grinned as she lobbed another volley in Tasha's direction. "Glad to hear you were ok. Luckily, I had Dimitri with me. I seriously feel the cold, but Dimitri wraps himself around me like a vine when we sleep, so I am always nice and toasty."

"I don't feel the chill as much as you. I am used to it from growing up here," Dimitri explained, smiling at Rose tenderly.

"Plus, you know lots of other ways to keep me warm," Rose replied suggestively, ignoring Tasha's ugly expression at hearing their banter. Abe likewise repressed a shudder. He knew Belikov and his daughter were sharing a bed, and presumably everything that went along with that. Didn't mean he enjoyed hearing about it. Still—if it made Tasha feel like shit, then he'd put aside his disinclination to knowing about the matter.

"So... It's New Year's Eve. Any New Year's resolutions?" Rose asked those gathered around the table.

"Drink less. A lot less," Eddie voiced with a groan. While he'd had less than some others yesterday, he was sporting a wicked hangover.

"Joining you on that one," Celeste agreed, wanting breakfast to be over as soon as possible so she could retire to her bed for another hour or two. Still—she was here to guard, at least partially, so her day would be dictated by her charges.

"This year, I am going to put myself out there and try to find love," Adrian said in an uncharacteristic display of honesty. "It's time, and I want to settle down."

No one at the table knew quite what to say about that. The crew from St. Vlad's knew Adrian had held a torch for Rose from the moment the two had met. Adrian declaring he was looking for love was also a statement that he was preparing to move on. A wise decision given Rose and Belikov were now inextricably united, Lissa was still proud of her royal cousin, and unseen by the others, grabbed his hand under the table and squeezed it, wordlessly giving him her support.

No one said anything until Dimitri voiced his resolution. "Next year, and for the rest of my life, my vow is to love Rose and make her every dream come true. We've wasted so much time... Roza? Be mine?"

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