Chapter 22

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"And to think, all this time I had no idea this existed!" Professor Slughorn said looking around him in awe. Appreciating that apparating into the Moroi Court might cause some consternation, he and Shacklebolt had used a portkey to travel to the nearby woods, and walked to the front gates where they were met by Adrian. After their meeting in Antep, an unlikely friendship was emerging between Adrian and the former potions master, the two equally interested in learning about the other's world. As Adrian used the most picturesque streets to lead them to their accommodations in the palace, both wizards were surveying the bustling Moroi capital with interest.

Grateful that each had forgone their typical wizarding robes for more typical attire, it allowed them to blend in more readily. While the rotund Slughorn could never pass as a Moroi, being taller and leaner Shacklebolt could pass as a guardian. In any case, they attracted little attention as Adrian ushered them into the Palace and through to meet with Her Majesty.

Situated in the coziest of her sitting rooms – cozy being a relative term – Adrian was pleased to see Sydney's look of relief when he appeared. While she'd only been at Court two days, sitting with the Queen of the Moroi world, and Abe Mazur, unnerved her, even though Alchemist Brennan was also in attendance. The appearance of at least one friendly face calmed her a little, as did the presence of two more humans. While the stately Shacklebolt was imposing, it was difficult to be fearful around the amiable, jolly Slughorn.

"Thank you for your attendance," Her Majesty said, before offering her latest guests refreshments.

"Just a small one," Slughorn replied, accepting the very generous serve of brandy that was offered, while Shacklebolt declined.

"We're just waiting on Rufus Ivashkov, and then we can begin."

As if her mentioning him made him appear, there was a knock at the door and Rufus entered when bidden. Taking a seat beside Adrian on an overstuffed brocade chaise lounge, Abe poured him a brandy and passed it to the Moroi Lord.

"As you know, tomorrow we start the trial for Natasha Ozera and Ethan Moore. It will be a private, closed hearing with Guardian Croft, myself and three members of our Royal Council. Everyone here will be called as witnesses to attest to the confession you witnessed at Mr Mazur's home in Antep. Following that, Veritaserum will be administered to Ms. Ozera, and then she will also be compelled to tell the truth. Is all the paperwork in order?" Ariana asked the two wizards.

"Yes, Ma'am. Our Minister of Magic signed off on it himself," Shacklebolt replied.

"I will be I touch personally to thank him, of course, but please know how very much I appreciate your cooperation in this matter."

Shacklebolt and Slughorn both nodded. As an Auror, Shacklebolt was used to undertaking missions and investigations for the Ministry. However, Slughorn was thrilled to be involved in such a cloak-and-dagger endeavor, and very curious about the hereto unknown to him group of vampires and their guardians. And being permitted to brew another batch of Veritaserum wasn't without its appeal, either!

"Rufus? To ensure impartiality, no Ivashkov will sit on the jury. Similarly, the Ozeras will also not be represented." Privately, Ariana thought that the wider Ozera clan would be more likely to convict Tasha given the dishonor her brother and sister-in-law had already brought the family – but given the charge and potential consequences, things had to be right and be seen to be right. "Also, as the sole Dragomir representative, I think it is appropriate Vasillisa not serve given her involvement with Ms. Hathaway and the accused being her boyfriend's aunt. In any case, I have heard she intends to travel directly to Lehigh with Lord Ozera to resume their studies there."

Rufus mumbled that those arrangements seemed reasonable, although he knew several members of his family would welcome the opportunity to avenge their relative, the late Queen.

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