Four | last goodbye

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𝔼𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕪 𝟚𝟘𝟙𝟝

The mission was a success, the two Morton girls have officially saved the widows from dreykov who was killed by Roxy, they destroyed the red room which made a mess below them, when they made it to the ground.

Elizabeth was glad that she wasn't alone when taking down the red room, it was actually Roxy's idea to take it down, Elizabeth didn't know where she was going to go but she still had a bunch of other widows to save from dreykov mind control.

Elizabeth laid on her back on the dirty ground having her ear ringing from being blown up from the sky wearing a parachute, she couldn't hear anything but the small muffles from Roxy who was making her way to her.

"Lizzie!" Roxy shouted running to her, she had found her before quickly kneeling down pushing her sister's blonde locks away from her face whilst blowing away the dirt that made its way on her face.

"We're both upside down." Elizabeth smiled up at her sister, Roxy laughed nodding whilst holding the sides of Lizzie's face.

Roxy moved back helping Elizabeth sit up right, the younger sister looked down searching in her pockets for Roxy's glasses, which were now cracked.

"I'm sorry..." Elizabeth held up the broke glasses. "I told you, you shouldn't have given them to me." She dropped the broke lens.

"It's okay, I'll get new ones." Roxy reassured her as she push the hair away. "Forgive me little sister." Roxy spoke in Russian grabbing a hold her sisters shoulders, Elizabeth grow shocked that she even knew the language.

"I should've come back for you." Roxy continued making Elizabeth shake her head with a small smile. "You don't have to say that, It's okay—"

"Hey, hey." Elizabeth looked up meeting Roxy's eyes. "It was real to me, too." Roxy smiles with a nod, Lizzie exhaled pulling her sister into a hug.

Roxy arms wrapped around Elizabeth's shoulder with her eyes shut enjoying the moment for a second before they have to leave each other again.

Elizabeth pulled back from the hug looking around hearing a faint of sirens approaching them, "you should go." She told her sister standing up from the ground helping Roxy up.

"Come with me." Roxy told her taking Elizabeth's hand into hers, Lizzie shook her head with a soft smile, "you can live with me—"

"Roxy." Elizabeth began softy. "It's not that I don't want to go with you, i promise you I do but I can't, there is so much I have to do first and this is my mess, I need to fix it, please understand." Elizabeth assured her, Roxy hesitates but nods. "Thank you for everything."

"You know I'll do anything for you." Roxy told her dropping her hand and began to move backwards, when a jet landed behind them. "That's my ride."

"Well if you're leaving I guess you should take this." Elizabeth says pulling the zipper to her vest down off her shoulders.

Roxy smiled wlaking back to her. "I know how much you liked it." Elizabeth smiled passing the vest over to Roxy who took it.

"It does have a lot of pockets." Roxy examined as she gawk at dark green vest, Eggsy stood inside the Jet with Merlin looking out the window at all the destruction they caused.

"Holy shit." Eggsy mouth gaped open before moving over, siding the Jet door back, peeking his head out, "Roxy!"

Roxy looked back at Eggsy before turning back to Elizabeth . "Are you sure you don't want to come?" Roxy wishes for her sister to join her, but she knew her sister, she wasn't the one to run till it was officially over.

"Go, I'll see you again." Elizabeth says ignoring the invitation Roxy gave her, the older Morton nodded gripping the vest in her hands as she began to make her way towards the Jet.

Elizabeth stared at her sister before pursed her lips together and whistled with her head held up high watching Roxy stop in her tracks turning back around at her sister, she smiled sadly whistling back to her.

"Take care." Roxy mumbled turning away from her, grabbing Eggsy hand and hoped into the Jet, Elizabeth looked over her shoulder at the cars as they circled around her.


𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛

Elizabeth was a free women there was no man keeping tracks on her or controlling her, after Roxy left she had been speaking with her ever since that day. She didn't realize how much she missed talking with her sister, Lizzie had gotten a dog after realizing how lonely her home was.

"I have a sister, her name is Roxana but she goes by Roxy." Lizzie was speaking with her therapist, Vicky. She decided that instead of dealing with her emotions alone she decided to speak about them.

"Have you seen your sister, lately?" Vicky asked her, the women was short with curly red hair she looked around 30 and was a great listener.

"No, but we been calling each other shes a— a busy person, but I know she always tries to make time for me." Lizzie explained crossing her legs over the  other leaning back against the velvet couch cushion.

"That's good, have you made any friends?" Vicky wrote down on the notebook on her lap, Lizzie pounded that question for a moment she really hasn't spoke much to people she had trouble trusting people.

"Um, uh, yeah made a few friends at the pud, we had tea and talk...all afternoon." Lizzie lied, playing with the string on her hoodie.

"That's good." Vicky nodded not believing her lie.

" Vicky nodded not believing her lie

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