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"What's up guys? Thanks for comin' back to another episode on the Just Being Ernest podcast. Today we've got a very special guest." Ernest giggles under his breath. "Michael Hardy."

"Sup, man. Thanks for havin' me." Michael waves his hand to the camera off to the side then smiles to himself.

The two friends sit and talk for a while before the producer, Nate, asks a question. "Have y'all heard the new Jon Pardi songs?"

"They just came out, right?" Michael asks, adjusting his headphone.

"Yeah, it's uh, Heartache Medication and, uh..."

"Head Over Boots." Nate finishes.

"I heard Heartache Medication." Ernest says, looking between the two. "Not Head Over Boots. You a Pardi fan?"

"Hell yeah, I am." Michael chuckles. "He's got that real country sound, man."

"With that fiddle? For sure. Play one of em, he ain't heard em yet." Ernest says, holding his hand out for Nate's phone to hold against the mic.

"Jon Pardi's got some good lyrics." Michael comments when the clip is done.

"Actually, uh, Jon Pardi didn't write it."

"You're kiddin'. It's such a Pardi sounding song."

"Someone named Cassie Leigh wrote it."

Michael's face drops and Ernest's chuckles go silent. "What's up?" He asks, his hand on the mic.

"I just- I'm just gonna head to the bathroom real quick." Michael stumbles over a couple chords on the carpet as he heads to the door.

Cassie is putting out music.

He had no idea she was into that. He always knew she'd written poetry but never did she say she wanted to write songs.

He's not upset about it by any means but to hear his ex girlfriend's name in his place of work just stings.

"Hey, Hardy, you okay?" His head snaps up from his sneakers and his eyes land on his best friend, Morgan Wallen.

"Yeah." He nods. "I'm good."

"Good. We still on for lunch?"

"Yeah, yeah." He nods, excusing himself into the bathroom to splash some water on his face.

He hasn't thought about Cassie since-

Ah, who is he kidding? She's been on his mind ever since she left.

He doubts he's ever been in her head.

He's got to get his head straight so he can focus on his work after this podcast.

Sorry man. I can't make it to lunch

Morgan Wallen:
Ah, no worries.

Morgan Wallen:
See you and Krista at the game Sunday.

Michael sighs as he pockets his phone and opens the door to Ernest's podcast room.

"And we're back!" Ernest cackles.

He's tipsy- yes!

"C'mon, man, do a shot!" Michael smiles as he pours himself a shot then knocks it back. "Anyways, where were we?"


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