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It's finally Friday.

She can finally see Michael.

Cassie just needs to write one more song and she's good to go home but she's been struggling.

Justin parks the truck in the lot then hops out, Cassie following behind. "You excited?" He asks, stuffing his hands in his front jeans pockets.

"Yeah. I miss Michael so much." She squeaks, checking her phone to see the directions Michael sent her to get backstage. "C'mon."

The two siblings weave past other concert goers to the back gate, meeting one of the security guards there.

"Hi, we're here to see Michael Hardy." She says nicely, looking up at the rather intimidating man covered in tattoos.

"I don't think so."

"Uh, yeah. This is his girlfriend and I'm her brother."

"You think I haven't heard that before?"

"Would you just beep your radio, please?"


Cassie huffs as she pulls out her phone, calling Michael to come get her. In a couple minutes, he's on the other side of the gate with the biggest grin she's ever seen.

"Hey baby!" He beams. "And Cassie."

Justin snorts. "What's up, Hardy?"

"C'mon through, guys." Michael says, opening the gate up.

"You know these two?" The guard asks, keeping an arm between the two siblings and the rock star across them.

"Yeah. My girlfriend and her brother." Michael says, taking her hand. "Thanks man."

Michael throws an arm around her shoulders as Justin walks beside her. "Man, I fucking missed you." He mutters into her ear, giving her goosebumps.

She bites her lip, looking away to hide her blush. Michael gently grasps her jaw and turns her head back to face him, his big brown eyes running over her face before leaning in to kiss her hard.

Justin awkwardly looks around, kicking a patch of dirt below his sneaker clad foot. "Okay, c'mon, man. That's my sister." He says before he practically pries them apart.

"Hey, I got someone I want you to meet. He's pretty cool." Michael says distractedly, glancing between his red faced girlfriend and Justin.

"Justin, this is my best friend, Morgan. Morgan, this is Justin, Cassie's brother."

"Sup man." Morgan says, shaking his hand.

"Hey." Justin nods back.

The two immediately strike up a conversation and Cassie and Michael sneak off to some private area.


Michael grunts as his phone rings for the third time in the past two minutes. He pulls away from Cassie as they're in the middle of doing it again.

"Where the fuck are you!? You're going on ninety seconds!"

Michael jumps. "Shit." He breathes, yanking his shorts back on. He pushes his hair back from his sweat slicked forehead. "Let's go." He grabs her hand and rushes to the stage.

"Wait!" Cassie breathes. She grabs him by the front of his shirt and pulls him in for a kiss. He can't help the huge grin that forms on his face when he pulls away. "Kick some ass."


Michael is performing his ass off. This is the best show he's ever played- definitely because of that girl standing on the side stage.

That girl is his fucking world.

Everything he does, he does for her.

Not soon enough, his set ends and he's bouncing off the stage to the side of the stage where Cassie is waiting.

He immediately grabs the sides of her face and kisses her hard, pure adrenaline coursing through his body.

Ten minutes between sets and Michael is rushing off again with Cassie.

They return about halfway through Morgan's set, just in time for him to cover Jason Isbell's Cover Me Up- a song he's been thinking about recording.

Michael spins Cassie before pulling her in close, swaying to the sound of his best friend performing.

Justin is hardcore third wheeling but he's okay with it.

He has never seen his older sister this happy before.

Michael suddenly sinks to his knee, a genuine smile on his face, a small box in his hand. Cassie's face drops and tears spring to her eyes.

He doesn't even have to say anything, she's already nodding, her eyes never leaving his.

She barely gives him enough time to stand straight before she's throwing her arms around him, kissing him so hard that her nose is smashed against his equally smashed one.

Finally engaged.

After so many years, they're finally engaged.

She was never one to ask about this commitment- she just went along with whatever- but they're finally engaged.

Justin gives the two the biggest hug, tears of his own in his eyes.

He always knew they would end up together.

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