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"Try this." Tyler, a guitarist, picks up his guitar and starts playing a few chords.

"That's good." Cassie nods, crossing her long legs under her. "But what if we don't do that."

Morgan snorts at her words.

"What do you think we should do, Miss Cassie?" Tyler says with a little bit of attitude that Cassie sends a look at.

"Gimme your guitar." Tyler hands it over. Cassie plays some chords then stops before taking the capo off. "This is right." She nods to herself, scribbling down what she played.

"Sounds good." Joey, the producer, says. "You wanna record this?"

"Me? Oh no. No, no, no." Cassie shakes her head. "No, I don't write for myself."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I don't sing." She drums her hands against her knees. "But- But Morgan, I wrote this song with Morgan on my mind." She points to him. "You should sing it."



Morgan glances at Joey who shrugs them turns to the soundboard. "Get on in there, Wallen."

Morgan gives Cassie's knee a squeeze then steps into the booth, sliding the headphones on.

Joey starts the song then motions for Cassie to come closer. He tells her that he wants her feedback given that this is her song and she lights up.

"Bass down a little bit." She says, her eyes closed like she's trying to put herself into the song.

"Fade it out a little bit, too." She says, pointing at the board. "Like flourish but not really, y'know?"

"Yeah." He slides a few knobs then hits a button. "You've got an ear, little lady."

She smiles and shakes her head. "I just been trained for this." She stands when the door to the booth opens and closes. "Sounded good, honey."

"Thanks." Morgan grins. "What did you think, Joey?"

"Sounds great, man." Joey nods. "Really." Cassie giggles to herself as she picks up her jacket and slides it on. "You signed anywhere?"

"Like record label signed?" Joey nods. "No. I'm- I'm a independent writer right now. It gives me that freedom to write with whoever I want."

"Whomever." Tyler corrects under his breath.

"But, don't you think it'd be cool to be a signed songwriter?" Morgan asks, snaking his arm around her shoulders.

"... yeah, it would be."

Joey looks up at Morgan from his chair with a matching grin. "I'll see what I can do."

Cassie's face drops- no way.


"I'll see what I can do." Joey repeats. "Morgan, I'll call you to let ya know what's going on."

"Sure." He nods. "Hey, thanks for your time."

"Yes, yeah, thank you for your time, Joey."

"Yeah, no problem. You've got good things coming your way, Miss. Cassie."

She lights up. "Thanks."

Morgan's hand grazes the small of her back as he guides her out of the room.

Cassie suddenly tackles him in a huge hug and squeals. "Holy shit, Morgan!"

He stumbles slightly, catching her with an arm around her waist and a hand against the wall behind her. He holds her tight, his eyes closed as he soaks in her scent and warmth.


She looks past Morgan to see her ex boyfriend standing at the end of the hallway with a hand in one pocket and a bottle of water in the other.

"Michael." She says somewhat breathlessly as she pulls away from Morgan's embrace. "What're you doin' here?"

"I work here. What're you doin' here?"

"I was just hangin' out with my friend, Morgan."

Michael's eyes shift from her to him then back to her. "You know each other?" Morgan asks, pocketing a hand.

"Uh, yeah. We grew up together." Cassie says, awkwardly rubbing her hands together.

"I wouldn't say that."

"Then what would you say?"

"That we dated until you left me-"

"I didn't leave you."

"Y'know what-"

"I told you I'd stay if you wanted me to."

"I told you I couldn't ask you to do that, Cass."


Morgan clears his throat. "So what's up, Hardy?"

"Bouta take my lunch, was gonna see if you wanted to grab a burger or somethin but I guess you're busy." He narrows his eyes at his ex girlfriend.

Cassie's heart hurts.

It hurts to see him upset. It hurts to feel this way.

She loves Michael; he's the sweetest guy she's ever met.

He brushes past them then heads to his truck, starting it up. Morgan looks down at her and sighs. "So, y'all used to date?"

"Yeah." She sighs with a nod. "Couple years."

"Hm." Morgan runs his hand through his hair. "Anyways."

Cassie takes his hand and ears him to his truck. "Thanks for doin' this, Morgan." She says, brushing her thumb across his cheek before kissing him sweetly.

"Of course. You been workin' hard on em songs and you deserve to have them put out."

"Thanks." She smiles.

Michael glances in his rear view mirror and his heart twists at the sight of his ex girlfriend kissing his best friend. As if the sight of them hugging didn't hurt enough, this is a stab in the chest.

"...babe are you even listening to me!?" Krista's shrill voice snaps him back to their conversation.

"What? Sorry." Michael clears his throat. "Sorry."

"God, your head is like a funnel." Krista huffs. "You never listen to me."

"Y'know what, I had such a shitty day today and you bitchin' at me like this ain't helpin' one goddamn bit."

Krista is silent on the other end.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like an ass but damn, baby, you can't jump all over me like that."

"Whatever." Krista audibly rolls her eyes. "Call me when you get your head outta your ass and can act like a fucking adult." She snaps then hangs up.

Michael runs his hand over his face.

That's not what he wanted to happen.

He tries to call her back but she doesn't pick up so he says fuck it and climbs back out of his truck. "Hey Cass." He says. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

Cassie gives Morgan a look then slides out of his truck. "What's up?"

Michael doesn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry." Cassie says first, looking up at him. "For how I talked to you in there."

"I am too." Michael nods. "It was an asshole move."

"It's nice seein' you again." She admits. "I gotta get goin'."

"Wait." Michael takes her hand, his big brows eyes locked on this fingers around hers. "Uh."

She giggles quietly. "We should catch up. I'm in town for a couple more days so I'll text you, okay?"

He nods, words unable to come out for some reason.

"Okay." She gives his hand a squeeze then heads back to Morgan's truck before he speeds off back to his house.

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