> [chapter 19] <

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Everyone was having a good time. Dancing, music, even casita was happily clapping the tiled floors.

"Y/n, I forgot to check if the stove is closed downstairs, would you mind?" Julieta quickly said tapping y/n's shoulders as y/n nodded at the assigned task to her.

She finally went down and check the stove just to see a man that smelled like a drunkard.


"May I... Help you... Sir...?" Y/n awkwardly diverted her gaze to the refigerator making her seem busy.

"You seem busy." He said in a husky voice.

"Yeah... With my nephew's ceremony and all..." She said grabbing a cold drink from the fridge.

"Oh you're a Madrigal?" The guy asked.

"Uhm... Yeah, married to one." She gulped.

I don't have a good feeling about him

"Huh... Too bad, you look to beautiful to be married already." The man creepily said as he took a step forward.

"DON'T YOU DARE—!" y/n paused looking around her. "Take a step forward." She threatened.

"Or... OR—

—or what?" The man said pulling out a pocket knife out of him.

"Sir..." Y/n said attempting to calm the man down as she gulped a big lump from her throat. "You're basically trespassing."

"You all invited us to be here, how is this trespassing?" The man scoffed taking another step forward making y/n go stuck in the corner

"We invited you to the ceremony. Not to the kitchen."

"Oh yeah? Well if I am trespassing then I'll make it even worse." He took a knife out

The man attempted to swing the knife at her. Y/n closed her eyes, awaiting for the pain to take over her.





"And who are you?" A rusky voice said that was oh so familiar to y/n that it made her heart flutter in relief.

She looked up, seeing the Camilo stopped the pocket knife by its blade. Non stop blood was dripping down from his palms to his elbow.


—you do know that someone can hear everything that is happening around here, right?" Camilo glared at the man, despite the pain he's experiencing.

"And that's my wife you're messing with." He added.

"Is y/n alright?!" Isabela suddenly rushed down from the stairs and seeing the scene.

She immediately cupped y/n's cheeks and comforted her. Y/n was still processing everything that was happening.

"Hey, y/n it's alright me and Camilo are here." Isabela comforted her. "I told Dolores not to inform the others, it will just cause a scene." She informed them.

Nostalgia had hit y/n. Everything was so familiar to her.

Camilo's gaze fell back on the man. He snatched the knife away from him and shapeshifted like the man.

"Have a taste of your own medicine." He said as he dropped the man down and swung the pocket knife.

The man's eyes were also closed, just like y/n's, Camilo looked at him and scoffed he dropped the knife beside him and left while casita, knowing its job, kicked the man out of the house.


Y/n stared at Camilo, with his hand now healed because of Julieta's food. She had never seen him mad before.

Well that's one fact about you.

She scoffed as she thought she just did the same thing as Camilo said the other day.

I take everything back lol

Villagers were right, he kinda fine beating up a man.

Heck, he wasn't even beating him up, he just fearlessly held a knife by the blade.

I'm so glad this family doesn't have a mind reading power or I'll be dead.

"Y/n." Camilo looked up to her in worry. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah... Yeah..." Y/n repeated, avoiding his gaze.

"You've been looking at a blank wall with the music still booming, for sure there's something wrong." Camilo took a seat beside her.

Yeah, there's something wrong, my stomach never felt the same ever since earlier


"I'm definitely fine! Look." Y/n said putting two fingers on both of her cheeks and curled her lips into a smile.

The fuck this aint me, y/n what demon is possessing you right now

She quickly dropped her hands down to her lap as she looked away, embarrassed at what she had just done in front of him. Camilo chuckled at her gesture.

"I-I should be asking the same to you..." Y/n stuttered. "Your hand... Is it okay?"

"Of course, its just a wound, thanks to tía, it was never severe." Camilo waved it off like its nothing.

"Care to dance?" He said as he stood up.

"No." Y/n refused.

"After everything I've done you're just gonna drop me like that?" Camilo guilt trapped her which obviously worked.

"I don't dance."

"Of course you do, I'll lead." Camilo smirked.


"Where do you even place your hands, like..." She nervously put her hands on his waist.

"No..." Camilo clicked his tongue as he laughed. "For women, your hand goes here." He said, guiding her arms around his neck as it rested on his shoulders.


Y/n suddenly felt his hand go to her waist. "For men, it goes here." He demonstrated.

"Tell me if you feel uncomfortable touching you in some parts."

Y/n nodded. "I don't really... feel uncomfortable."

"Well, then!" Camilo grinned. "Get ready for the big twirls!"

"The big wha—" she was cut of as Camilo spun her around effortlessly, still guiding her to dance.

Her dress danced along the rhythm of the music thanks to Matias's great taste, Camilo had gotten the hang of it. Y/n still awkwardly stiff since she never really danced before, especially in front of the others.

Then there goes slow music, the wild dance craze has became calm. Camilo and y/n are now slowly swaying side to side.

"You're still so stiff after all that." Camilo chuckled.

"I told you, I don't dance." Y/n said rolling her eyes.

Camilo looked at her with adore as he smiled in relief. He pulled her in to a hug as y/n tensed up at the sudden gesture.

"I'm so glad you're safe, you had me worried." He said as y/n finally relaxed to the hug and hugged back.

With those 8 words, y/n felt something that was familiar to her ever since she was 17.

I'm fucked.


I think yall get the hint of y/n's types now

She has overprotective man kink 👀👀 /j

BUT ANYWAYS heres the chapter i promised i'll make up for LOVE LOTS BB <333333

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