> [chapter 9] <

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"y/n get ready! Didn't Camilo tell you to wake up because you're gonna try out some of those wedding gowns?" M/n poked y/n to wake her up. It was already 9 days before their wedding.

"Ma... Five minutes." Y/n said unconsiously as she turned her head on the other side.

"Y/n its 8 o clock in the morning already! I've been waking you up for 30 minutes and you always say the same thing!" M/n said having enough her "five minutes more" snooze.

Y/n groaned and stood up. Her mother immediately combed her hair gently.

"You're having a big day ahead of you, mi cariño." M/n said still gently combing her hair making sure she doesn't pull on it.

"Its not like I wanted this anyway..." Y/n mumbled. "Only you and papa wanted this."

"I'm sure you're gonna learn how to love him just like I did with your father." M/n chuckled. "Your Abuela wanted me to marry him even though I didn't want to. I learned to love him anyway since he's so sweet and caring!" She added clearly inlove with her husband.

"But what if its different for me, ma? It won't always be like that." Y/n said and sighed.

"Let's hope for the best. Now, now, lets hurry up and move! Camilo might be on his way now." M/n said as she finished combing her hair and forced y/n to stand up while y/n groaned in tiredness.


"Hola, mi amor." Camilo greeted his fiancè first before bowing and pulling out a hand so that y/n would definitely see it and put her hands into his this time.

"Do you not run out of nicknames to call me?" Y/n said in a playfully irritated way while hesitantly looking at his hand.

"Stop staring at it, you're making me awkward." Camilo said as he grabbed y/n's hand instead so that y/n wouldn't deny anymore.

This just looks stupid. Y/n rolled her eyes as she looked back at his face.

His curls were bouncing as he walked in her side. The lights from the sun perfectly placed on his face with his freckles visible.


"You can always take a picture, y/n. It lasts longer." Camilo said as he winked at her and laughed.

"I didn't know you had freckles." She mumbled.

"It wasn't obvious?" Camilo asked her.

"I never looked at you hard enough. It was a waste of time for me." Y/n said blankly.

"You're looking very cute right now..." Camilo said with an irritated smile as he pinched her cheeks.

"Get. Your. Musty. Dusty. Fingers. Off. Of. Me." Y/n said glaring at him as Camilo quickly swatted his hand away.

"Geez." He rolled his eyes.


"Just pick whatever for me, Camilo, as long as it suits." Y/n said as she yawned on the chair.

"That man's fiancè don't look very excited don't she?" One of the staffs say to the other staff.

"She's missing out, look at how handsome that man is!" One of them replied.

"She thinks she's all that. How can a handsome man like him even like her? She doesn't look like a good fiancè at all." One of them said again.

"Does she even treat him right? Bet I could." One of them laughed. "She looks like shit too."

"Right?! She doesn't even look attractive at all, maybe she's after his mo—

—If you have something to say. Say it to my face." Y/n said loud enough for all of them to hear even Camilo.

"Y/n? What's wro—

—do you think I'm too stupid to not hear you all the way over here?" Y/n said as she stood up glaring at the staffs.

"I have my own reason why I'm acting like this." She added. "The ones that had spoken badly of me are very close-minded and ill-mannered. Know your place." Y/n said as she grabbed Camilo's wrist and stormed off.

"Woah woah! Slow down!" Camilo said as he tried to stop y/n's pace as she finally stopped.

"Let's find another place to find gowns and suits and never go back to that shitty place." Y/n hissed.

"You stormed off without even telling me the reason why!" Camilo reasoned not realising his voice got higher.

"Am I supposed to the tell reason why at this point? Does all that drama still doesn't make you think that I wasn't comfortable?! Should I call their manager or something?!" Y/n snapped.

"y/n... Look— maybe it was just a simple ta—

—a simple talk won't cause that whole thing, Camilo!" Y/n cut him off.

"Probably all the girls you dated experienced the same damn thing." Y/n knocked some sense to him. "Do you actually think calling ME ugly makes me happy at all?! Do you think I could sit there comfortably and still be able to hear the conversation?! Its hard taking criticism! I may not be the best looking but that doesn't man they could talk so ill of me! But no! I don't think you've ever got to experience this since you've always been tHe girLs stAndArd." Y/n told him not realising that tears have streamed down her face.

"You know I wouldn't start all that without a reason, I know I could've handled it more maturely and I'm sorry if I ruined the whole moo—"

She was cut off recieving a warm embrace from the curly headed boy. He gently places his chin on top of his head and stroked the back of her hair. But she didn't hug back.

"I only wanted to know what's happening, y/n." He laughed. "You have nothing to be sorry about, and no you didn't ruin my mood. I'm sorry if they made you uncomfortable like that. Karma would get to them soon." Camilo said in a calming voice still stroking the back of her head.

What she didn't know that he was definitely glaring at the staff that y/n looked at earlier. The staff only stood there, seeing what was happening before getting a glimpse of his stare and ran back inside. It was good that he chose to remember their faces because everything's about to go down with them.

"How about we go and take a rest today..." Camilo suggested. "We'll find a better place for us to find our gowns and suits tomorrow."

Y/n looked at him once again and looked away.

God... That was dramatic. Damn, all this for some stupid insult?! I could've just kept my mouth shut for all I care. Y/n thought as she mentally face palmed and wiped her tears off with her colar.

"Rest well, mi corazón." He patted her head as he dropped her off to her home.


"May I get your names please?" Camilo said to the girls that were working there.

"This is cheating sir I don't want anything to happen between us sir!" The girl squealed.

The audacity of this woman—

"I don't want anything to happen with you either." Camilo said flatly looking at them dead in the eyes. "I would like to file a complaint to this store."


"You heard me." Camilo said still with a frown.

One of the girls quickly called their manager to say that there was a complaint going on. The manager quickly came and offered to help.

"These three girls had just insulted my fiancè for not being 'good looking enough' for me to marry her. For all I know, they break a relationship apart with all their gossiping." Camilo said still in a calm voice while their manager looked at them in shock.

"We'll handle this immediately. Thank you for your complaint." The manager said as Camilo thankfully noddes and left the store awaiting for drama to happen.

Arranged Marriage ✓| Camilo Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now