Chapter 31 - A special evening

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About four months later and the guys would be leaving for training camp soon, this time without Brooke. As Sid and her had decided, she had resigned from her position and Chad would be the one to take over. Brooke would stay at home and take care of the children, and Coach Johnston had promised her that she would have a position at the Penguins organization when she was ready to work again. Today, Sid had told her he had a surprise for her, so they had asked Geno to look after Ash and Jordie. "Do you really think we can leave you alone with the two?" Brooke asked Geno after she had gotten dressed in a white lacey dress. Sid had left already and told her he'd text her when her surprise was ready, and Geno had arrived shortly after with a big grin. "Of course! Uncle Geno take care of little Ash and little Jordie! No problem at all!" he stated, pushing her towards the door, and Brooke just laughed quietly and hugged him. "All right Geno, I'll trust you. But call me if anything happens," she stated and Geno nodded, closing the door in front of her. Brooke just shook her head with an amused smile and took out her phone when it buzzed with an incoming call from Sid. "Hi Sid," she said with a soft smile. "Hello Brookie. Your surprise is ready, but you have to come and find it. I placed some hints for you on the way. The first one is by the car. I'll be waiting for you," he stated and Brooke opened her mouth, but Sid had already ended the call, so she just sighed and put her phone back in her clutch before walking towards the car. A red rose was placed behind the windshield wiper, and Brooke just smiled and took the rose, reading the small note attached to it. 'The next hint is only a few metres away. Just walk behind the house and you'll see it'. Brooke couldn't help but smile and did as the note told her to, and soon enough, she found the next rose and note. More roses and notes followed, and Brooke sometimes couldn't help but grin at some of them. About twenty minutes later, she reached the last rose and picked it up from the bush. 'Walk behind the bush and you'll see me. I can't wait' Brooke walked around the bush and her mouth dropped open when she saw Sid standing next to a beautiful picnic. He was wearing jeans and a shirt, and he looked really handsome, but the only thing Brooke saw was the wide smile on his face when he spotted her.

"You look absolutely beautiful, Brookie," Sid stated softly when she reached him, and Brooke just smiled and leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "So do you. And it seems like I've finally found my prize," she said with an amused grin and Sid just chuckled quietly and shook his head. "I hope you're hungry. I prepared some sandwiches. I think I have outdone myself," he told her and Brooke just giggled and sat down on the cloth next to him, peeking into the basket that was standing next to them. Sid took out the sandwiches and handed one to Brooke, and they both started eating quietly, and Brooke nodded with a satisfied smile. "This is actually really good," she then said and Sid grinned at her. "I told you so, Brookie," he then said with an amused grin and Brooke returned the grin and finished her sandwich a bit later. "Do you want to dance?" Sid asked a bit after they had finished the sandwiches, and Brooke looked at him for a second and then nodded. Sid took out his phone and started a song before getting up, and Brooke took his hand and got up as well, starting to slowly dance with Sid. She placed her head on his chest and closed her eyes with a soft smile, just enjoying their moment together. When the song ended, Sid let go of her, and Brooke just smiled at him, but her eyes widened when Sid dropped down on one knee and pulled out a little box. "Ever since the day you stepped into our locker room and demanded to have your fair chance, I knew you were trouble. You are the only person that has ever been able to keep my mind away from hockey, but I can't say I really care about that. I have been waiting for the right woman for me to come along, and you came in like a storm, stealing my heart and making me breathless. It's a new feeling for me, the butterflies, the heart that beats faster and faster whenever you look at me, but I like it. And I want to feel like this for the rest of my life. So, Brooke Lemieux, would you give me the honour of becoming my wife?" he asked, and Brooke just stared at him for a second before a wide smile spread on her face. "Oh god, yes! Yes, of course I want to marry you, Sid!" she then stated, and Sid carefully placed the beautiful engagement-ring on her finger before getting up and wrapping his arms around her, and Brooke wrapped her arms around him and pressed a kiss to his lips. "So that's what this surprise was all about!" she then said and Sid grinned at her and shook his head. "It's a wonder you didn't realize this sooner," he said and Brooke just stuck out her tongue at him. They sat back down again, and Sid got out some chocolate covered strawberries and offered to feed Brooke. She placed her head in his lap and let him feed her, holding up her hand again and again and looking at the ring on her finger in awe. They returned back to the house soon after, because Sid had to leave the next day for training camp, and they both wanted to spend some time with Ashley and Jordan before he left. Geno opened the door for them and took Brooke's hand with a grin, examining the ring on her finger and nodding happily. "Look good on you, Brooke. Congratulations!" he then stated, hugging her and high-fiving Sid afterwards. "Babies are asleep on the couch," he stated afterwards and Brooke walked into the living room to see the two of them sleeping peacefully. It seemed like Geno had done a pretty good job of looking after them. "Thanks for doing this man, I really appreciate it. We both do," Sid said and Brooke looked up and nodded with a smile. Geno just shrugged and picked up his jacket from the couch, softly stroking over Ashley's and Jordan's cheeks with his finger before straightening up. "They are cute. I like being uncle Geno," he just said before saluting them shortly and leaving their house. Brooke just shook her head with an amused grin and Sid returned it, sitting down next to her and looking at their two children as well. "I can't believe I'm not going to be here for the next two weeks," he said with a soft grumble and Brooke just giggled quietly. "It's fine. And you have a free week afterwards, before the season starts, so look forward to that. And I'll call you daily," she stated and Sid nodded with a soft sigh and ran his fingers through his hair.

They went to bed soon after, and the two kids were in their crib right next to the bed, and when Sid got up the next morning to leave for training camp, Brooke got up as well and just spent him company while he got ready and ate breakfast. He said goodbye to the babies, kissing their heads, and then went downstairs, where Brooke was already waiting at the door. "It'll be strange seeing Chad as the new physical therapist," he said softly, placing his hands on her waist, and Brooke just smiled softly and ran her fingers through his hair. "You'll get used to it. And I'll be working for the Penguins' again when the two are a bit older," she said and Sid nodded. "Yeah, but it was awesome always having you around. Now I'll be like the others, missing you whenever we're away," he said and Brooke couldn't help but grin and lean up to press another kiss to his lips. "Everything will be good in the end, don't worry about that. And now go, before you're too late. Tell all the guys I said hi," she said and Sid leaned down once again and pressed his lips onto hers. "Take care of the two, and don't forget to call and text me daily. I'll be waiting to hear for you," he said before turning around and leaving towards his car, and Brooke just watched him go, leaning against the doorframe. When his car was gone, she turned around and went up to their bedroom, where the babies were still sleeping.

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