1- 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑒𝑠

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Hello I'm Felix, Lee Felix to be exact.

And I'm also a Mono.

You might ask what a It means to be a mono, well let me tell you.

Monos are people who cannot see colors other than different shades of grey.

I found out about this when my mom came up to me to ask me which dress she should wear by asking me "should I wear the blue one or the red one"

I wanted to answer but the thing is I only saw two shades of the color grey. One darker than the other, which I'm guessing now looking back at the situation the darker shade of grey was the red dress.

My parents immediately took me to the hospital worried about my situation.

The doctor said that there was nothing to worry about it was just that my brain was missing a few cells which were cells to help me capture different colors.

Because of this I got made fun of for almost all my life.

My mom found out that the only way I can see colors again was if I see a certain someone.

They are known as Probes. Each Mono has their own Probe which is like their soulmate.

Now there were a few problems when it came to that.

1: it's very rare for a mono and a probe to meet.

2: even if there was a chance for you to meet a probe would have to fall in love with the mono

3: let's say that did happen, the consequences are very high.

Which is because in the past when a mono and probe met crimes would start happening in the city.

The reasons for those crimes are because after Monos get their vision they grow an obsession for probes, scared that if they leave that their Vision also leaves as well.

Those obsessions caused a lot of problems and crimes in the city.

And because of that probes and monos were separated into two cities.

Now for other people who were "normal" they had the decision of what city they wanted to live in.

This year the government allowed schools that used to have monos, probes, and "normal" people all in one school to reopen.

Some people weren't big fans of this, scared that monos would start going crazy again. While others were excited. And when I say others I mean monos because that means they have a chance to meet their probe and get both their vision and their lover.

In the past I tried to find a probe to give me colors but non of them were someone I felt a connection with. Which meant they weren't my destined probe. And I knew there was no point in looking anymore since their were many monos who grew old and never got to find their probe.

This year I want to stay away from Probes because even if I find mine and they can help me, I'm scared that I'll hurt them...


And that is the end of the first chapter.

I made some changes to the story plot so it's not all like the bl show
But I still hope you will love it <3

colors : hyunlix ✰  || ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now