2- 𝑟𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑑

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Today was the first day of school and man was I not looking forward to it. I got up and got my clothes ready on my bed. I stripped my clothes and hopped onto the shower.

The cold water going all over my body was exactly what I needed to get started with my day. I stepped and wrapped a towel around my waist and got out my skin care products and started doing my skin care routine.

I then dried my hair and brushed it. I got out my hair gel and put a decent amount on my fingers and combed it through my silver hair styling it back leaving two small strands of hair in front.

I then heard my phone ring and I quickly went to go check the caller id. It was Jisung my friend, I slid it to the right to accept the call.

"Hey" I heard Jisung say.

"Hey sungie" I say while smiling.

"Are you ready for today?" He asked.

My smile quickly faded

"No, not really if I could I would stay home" I say

"Cmon it's fine let's just try and stay out of trouble and before you know it the year has came to an end" he says trying to comfort me

I smiled a bit

"Yeah your right, well see you later ima change now"

"Alright bye!"

I ended the call then walked over to my bed and picked up my clothes and changed.

I ended the call then walked over to my bed and picked up my clothes and changed

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I walked down stairs and was greeted by my parents and my sister Ryujin.

"Oh felix your ready!" my mom said as she saw me.

"Yeah, I chose to finally get up"

I sat down on the table and ate breakfast, after I finished my parents hugged me and told me to be careful and to take care of Ryujin. Which wasn't a problem since she is my number one priority.

We got in my car and drove off. It took me a while to actually start driving due to me not being able to see the colors of the stop lights. But my mom always taught me a technique to help me figure out when I'm supposed to stop, slow down, or go.

After that I finally got on the steering wheel and practiced and ended up getting my license.

Me, Jisung and my other friends, Jeongin and Seungmin decided to meet up front of the school gate.

Seungmin and Jeongin are "normal" while me and Jisung are monos. Till this day I'm surprised we are all friends, but hey I'm not complaining.

After a good hour of me and Ryujin singing our hearts out in the car listening to some pop and Kpop music we finally made it to the school...

I got out and looked around spotting three familiar faces.

Me and Ryujin walked towards them and greeted them. Ryujin ended up leaving after spotting her friends aswell.

"Well we're here" Jeongin said.

"Yeah, we are" I said

"Should we go in?" Seungmin asked

"Yeah, we should but remember guys not matter what happens we'll have each other's back ok!" Jisung said to motivate us.


We all walked into the gates of the school and made our way inside the school and went to the front office to grab our schedules.

After we got our schedules we compared our classes and teachers together to see if we had any classes together.

We all had English together.

While the other classes some were alone and some we shared with a person.

Thankfully English was first period so we still got to be together. And find our classes together as a group.

We walked up the stairs to our class and after a while of looking we finally spotted our classroom number and walked in.

There weren't many people inside so we got to choose our seats early.

"There are some cute people here" Jeongin said opening up a conversation.

"I guess" Seungmin said.

"I don't care how cute people in this school are, I'm staying away from them" I said and Jisung nodded in agreement.

"Cmon maybe you guys will finally meet the one, and be able to see colors don't you guys want that?" Seungmin asked

"Not really, I'd rather stay seeing grey then becoming psycho and obsessed" Jisung said while laughing. We all laughed at his comment.

I mean I'd be lying if I said it wouldn't be nice but I also don't want people to feel like I'm using them just for the sake of myself...

More people started walking in. Four boys who caught our attention walked in and sat in the seats next to us.

It was pretty awkward at first but luckily soon after the teacher also walked in.

"Good morning class"

"Good morning"

"I'm Mrs.Kira and I'll be your homeroom teacher for the year, I hope we can all get along"

"Because today is the first day all we'll be doing is get to know each other since we'll be seeing each other for a while"

"Alright turn to the people close to you and make a circle and introduce yourself, say your name, age, and a fact about yourself, and IF you feel comfortable you can say which group you are part of"

Well shit, I really don't want to do this. I'd rather do an assignment than this. But, at least we don't have to stand up in front of the class.

Me Jisung and the others turn to look at the 4 boys that walked in not to long ago. They also turned toward us.

"Well I guess I can start, my name is Bangchan but you can call me Chan for short, I'm 19 years old, and I like to... skateboard and I'm normal"

"Umm I'm Changbin, 18, and I like hanging out with friends and I'm what people call "normal" I guess"

"Lee know or Minho as what people prefer to call me, 19, and I like cats, probe"

"Hi I'm Hyunjin, 19, and I like to paint, and I'm a probe"

I couldn't see everyone that well, but something about him made me feel something different.  After everyone introduced themselves it was finally my turn to introduce myself.

"Hello I'm Felix"

They all stared at me in surprise

"What?" I asked

"Your voice" the boy whose name im pretty sure was Chan or something asked.

"Oh yeah, puberty hit pretty fast" i said

They nodded and just continued to listen to me.

"I'm 18 years old, I like to bake and cook, and I'd rather not say" They all nodded. We continued to get to know each other a little more. They aren't the worst people I guess.

I looked over to my right and saw Hyunjin staring at me, I could feel my face burning which I hated so much. I looked away hoping my face would calm down.

This is bad, really bad it's only the first day of school and this shit already happened , god the universe must really hate me...


second chapter done 😩👆🏼
I hope you guys are enjoying this so far
And always be sure to leave any comments <3

colors : hyunlix ✰  || ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now