Chapter 2

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800 years later

I sat on my throne and crossed my legs. It was quite cold in the large hall. That was due to my presence but I liked it.

I didn't want people to be comfortable with me. The moment they entered my castle, they should know who they were dealing with.

I also enjoyed when subordinates stepped in front of me and a chill ran through their fragile bodies. I loved the mix of shaking, scared, weak people because I knew I would see them on the other side very soon.

Suddenly the heavy door to my throne room was thrown open and two of my soldiers stepped into the room.

They bowed to me and I could clearly see that a great deal of tension was straining their bodies.

"The king wants to speak to you," said the elder of them, stepping aside to let him pass. The king entered the hall in his heavy robes, followed closely by ten of his soldiers.

A slight smile played on my lips and I leaned slightly towards the king. I had to admit that I liked this situation, no, I loved it.

The king of this country, who always denied my existenc in front of his people, had come to my castle. I knew that he was so afraid of me he would kill me on the spot if he knew how.

I stood up to further illustrate this ironic situation, I literally towered over him, the mound on which my throne stood showing all my majesty.

I went down the stairs very slowly and came to a halt just in front of the king. His soldiers gripped their spears tighter, unsure of how to react.

"I need your help," the king said quickly, like he wanted to get it over with as fast as possible.

I laughed softly. Why else would he have come here? "The West Kingdom gives you trouble, doesn't it? They want to marry their daughter to your son, but he refused..."

As if I cared. I pretended to be sad and pulled the corners of my mouth down.The king opened his mouth in surprise, but quickly shut it again.

He knew full well that I was not missing anything. I was always everywhere, the more a secret was guarded, the more I knew about it.

I kepft walking and circled him. He clearly tensed his muscles, feeling extremely unsafe here.

I liked that, in this castle he didn't seem to be able to enforce his authority like in his realm.

I saw his soldiers exchange confused looks out of the corner of my eye. They, too, seemed clearly puzzled by their king's unusual insecurity.

"Well, we've had major conflicts with this kingdom for a long time. Just recently there was a violent incident on our grain fields and some farmers lost their lives.

The only possibility would still have been my son...but he refuses to marry the daughter of the other kingdom. The people are also on his side! I have no choice but to finally end it all with a war."

I stayed quiet, wanting him to keep talking.

"Well, that's why I need your help. The other kingdom is huge and they have immense resources."

I stopped and finished my circle around him. I saw his eyes light up as he spoke of the other kingdom. He didn't want to admit it in front of his soldiers, but I saw through him.

The millennia that I had already spent in this world had taught me to read people.

I was a descendant of death.

When I met people at the end of their path, I was overwhelmed by emotions such as unfulfilled desire and passion. I saw immediately when a person truly desired something.

And that was probably the only thing you could be sure of with the king. He loved power and would do anything for it.

I straightened my dress and then looked into his troubled eyes. "I'll help you," I said, and the king exhaled heavily.

He had been holding his breath the whole time, he was so nervous. That wasn't good for his heart, otherwise I'd have to pick up his soul earlier than planned.

The king knew the benefit I gained from this war. I've known him since he was a young prince.

There was a time when I wanted to give up my deadly goals. But the king's development was proof that I had decided correctly.

I took a step back to restore the distance between us. The king took this as a sign and turned around. He ran out of my castle pretty fast, a little too fast.

A slight grin curled my lips. It was no use trying to appear brave, everyone knew what a coward he was.

I also turned and walked to my throne. But I felt a growing uneasiness in my stomach. It got worse with every step I took and I was glad I even made it to my throne.

It was a flash,
an explosion,
an earthquake in my head.
I had a vision.

And that vision showed me that creatures I didn't want to face were aiding this war. It showed me a face I had long tried to forget,
a face I had long thought to be my


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