Chapter 5

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I opened the big door and was immediately overwhelmed by different colors, shapes and smells.

I put on a mask so people wouldn't notice me negatively. But it wasn't a material mask, I just hid my shadow and only showed people what I wanted them to see.

I smiled as I walked down the long hallway of the school. I wore a yellow dress so people couldn't immediately guess who I was.

I didn't want them to know that I was the end of every living thing.

But it seemed like people hardly noticed me. They were deep in their conversations and just gave me a quick look.

This reminded me of what my brother had told me when our parents enrolled us in this school.

"Most people are so focused on themselves that they don't even notice most of the people around them. They are way too busy with themselves and thinking about their problems.

If someone does offend you or is mean to you, it's because they can't keep their issues in their head.

Their problems are so big they just can't fit them in their mind. These people are truly sad creatures and the only way out they see is to take their problems onto others.

So go to this school and don't care what other people think. Because believe me, it doesn't matter."

I repeated those words in my head and I felt how they affected me. I automatically contracted my shoulder blades and walked confidently through the school.

But I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice the person walking around the corner.

I bumped into her and dropped the books I was unconsciously holding. But before they could touch the ground, the girl caught them.

She made her movements so elegant and precise that it seemed like we had rehearsed this scene. "I didn't see you, sorry!" the girl said, smiling at me.

She had freckles all over her face and was wearing a yellow dress, just like me.

"I love your outfit!" she said and smiled even wider. I couldn't help but smile too. But this time the smile wasn't fake, no, it was real.

"Seems we were really lucky we just bumped into each other," I said, and she handed me back my books.

"Oh yes, how fitting! I'm a descendant of luck, so it isn't a coincidence, that we met! Tell me, what is your destiny?" she asked me.

I truly envied her fate. Luck is such a joyful path. In my opinion it's the most beautiful thing you can give someone.

And me? I brought only sadness and suffering. So how should I answer her question?

"I am a servant of death," I said truthfully. I couldn't lie to this sweet girl.

How could I have decided to erase her from my memory back then, what had happened that I hated these hundred years so much?

"You're really funny, although the humor is way too melancholic for my liking," she said loudly, bursting out in laughter.

She obviously thought I was joking. "Come on!" she said, grabbing my hand. She just pulled me with her like we'd been friends for years.

It was probably her luck that she didn't believe that I was Death. It was probably for the best, I didn't want to destroy her positive vibes.

"Your name is Mara, right?" she asked and I looked at her confused. "How do you know that?"

She looked at me like a teacher disappointed that her student didn't know the answer to a question.

"I was just guessing. Luck, remember?" she asked, winking at me. An "Oh" escaped my lips and I let her pull me further down the hallway.

"My name is Fortuna by the way...Oh wait you're in the moon class too?" I nodded.

I remembered how disappointed I had been that my brother had ended up in the star class.

"Me too, this is our classroom by the way," she said and pointed to a wooden door.

Just as she opened the door, classical music played. As far as I knew, that was the tone that announced the start of class.

I guess it was really practical to have her by my side, maybe my life would finally get better too.

We quickly sat down together at a table when the teacher entered the room. He was a tall man with a muscular build.

His gaze analyzed the classroom like a watchful predator, ready to attack at any moment.

But instead he calmly leaned against the teacher's desk and smiled modestly. "I am Mr. White and a descendant of truth."

I heard gasps from around the room. So lying to him would be impossible.

He looked into our faces as if he could already read every truth.

"Well, I'm your inner magic teacher. You will learn to control your whole being. So, who's ready for their destiny?"

That was obviously a rhetorical question. He knew full well that if someone shouted "Me," it would be a lie.

Suddenly an uncomfortable feeling spread through me. It crept into my body and clasped my heart with a cold hand.

I felt an intense gaze on my back. I had to gather all my strength not to turn around. Something in my head told me that I was about to meet someone where I would quickly wish that I were somewhere else.

I shifted back and forth in my chair, feeling uneasy. Right now I wished I could be with my father in the underworld,

and that meant quite a bit.

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