Chapter 3

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The wind blew through my hair and whispered something to me. It warned me, told me about the danger.

But there was no way I could let this opportunity pass today. I would collect thousands of souls to send them to my father in the underworld.

Also, I definitely had to win against my brother. A few hundred years ago we made a bet. He had to save as many people as possible and I had to bring down as many as I could.

The one with the most influence on people after a thousand years would win.

We knew this was a huge chance to prove ourselves to our parents. They would finally appreciate who we were, who we are and who we can be.

I took a deep breath of the cool air and was reminded of where I was right now.

I walked barefoot across the huge battlefield.

My white dress stroke the lifeless bodies, I carelessly walked over. "She's here!" the king yelled in relief, and with a quick swing of his sword he ended an enemy soldier's life.

"I thought you were calling for reinforcements? We need an army, not a single woman!" the prince yelled back over the noisy crowd.

I liked the deal from the king, I could devour thousands of souls today.

Although one day I would take him and his cheeky son too. My eyes turned black, I was hungry, I needed to fill my own emptiness.

The king stepped aside and bowed his head respectfully.

"No son, an army wouldn't be enough.
That's why I called her."

I spread my arms, it was such an ironic moment! I felt full of life even though I was taking life.

"Leave the battlefield," I called to the king. "You can't give us orders", said the prince, but he was immediately carried away by his father.

The king knew that if they didn't want me to devour their souls, they had to leave this place. As expected, they and the rest of their army disappeared.

Everything went silent, even the birds didn't dare to make a sound. The soldiers stopped moving and dropped their swords.

I smiled.

"You fought so bravely. I'm sure you must be tired. Come and rest with me." Their leader approached me and I wrapped him in a deep hug.

Kissed by death, he and his whole army fell asleep. And never woke up again.

I felt a slight shiver run down my spine. It was another little warning, all my senses were screaming, tugging at me, wanting me to watch out.

But I didn't understand why. The vision I had in my castle had warned me as well. But those had been blurry images that had followed one another so quickly that I couldn't really see them.

But I stayed alert. Even though the view that stretched out before me was anything but unsettling, in fact very satisfying.

Thousands of lifless bodies were like a flower bed.

Thed lay on top of each other, were all so different and yet had one in comman : They had chosen the wrong side. Nobody could win against me because nobody can escape death.

Not even the prince. I heard him drop to his knees behind me and turned around. "I told you to leave the battlefield."

Still, I figured he would be so stupid and come back. He opened his mouth as if to scream, but no sound came out.

The air here was too polluted  with the soldiers outgoing light of life, he couldn't breathe here.

I knelt down before him and put my hand on his cheek. "You should have stayed on your throne. Because the battlefield is my kingdom. Not yours."

His soul rolled into my hand and I quickly put it in my bag.

"Seems like you have quite a head start on your brother. This one is a prince, right? Do you get any any plus points for that?"

I turned around so quickly I felt the sharp breeze against my ear. It had to be a spell, a trick. The man in front of me couldn't possibly be who I thought he was.

I was breathing faster, although theoretically my lungs didn't need any oxygen at all.

But my body had to do something to keep from collapsing in shock. I thought I would never see him again.

I had erased all memories of him, back then. But now, when I saw his face, all the emotions, all the feelings I had had flooded back into my head.

I tried to resist it, but it was impossible. It was like a raging river that threatened to drown me.

I tried to catch my breath and get back to my calm surface.
But it was impossible.

I fell to my knees, panting, until finally everything went black.

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