Moondrop Comfort

552 9 22

My favorite out of the two. Ik, I'm not special

Teen, male reader, Endomorph body type, Sun and Moon share thoughts and memories.

You sighed as your mother dropped you off at the opening of the daycare. "Listen," your mom breathed out, "I need to go do something, please stay here and don't get into trouble." Your mom started digging inside her purse. "The last thing I need are complaints about you. Here, take this." Your mom handed you a phone, and with that she was off. Rushing to whatever she needed to do.

As you walked into the room, it was obvious that you were the oldest in there. The room was mostly filled with smaller children, 5-8 years of age. You slid the phone your mom handed you into the back pocket of your jeans. If you knew her, it probably didn't have anything other than calling and messaging on it.

You looked around at the overly colorful playground-esc daycare. How in the world did they avoid lawsuits in here? It looked like injury galore in here.


"Oh wonderful, wonderful! Delightful, Delightful!" Sun clapped as the small child in front of him stacked colored cubes. Sundrop looked around at the other kids. He noticed a older kid walking into the daycare. "Keep playing little sunshine! I need to go check on the new friend!" The kid kept playing as Sun skipped over to the new person.


You jumped back as some kind of sun-themed animatronic popped up in fron of you. The petal-like triangles around the thing's face spun from left to right as it spoke "Hello, Hello new friend!" The animatronic sounded jovial and too excited for your liking.

"Um, hi?" You responded, leaning backward to get away from the robot that was hovering ever so close. The electronic caretaker bounced on one foot to the other. It seemed so realistically happy.


As Sundrop looked at the kid, his guest profile popped up across Sun's veiw. In an instant, Sundrop knew almost everything about this kid, his name, address, relatives. Of course, he couldn't tell the kid he new this, so Sun just decided to introduce himself. "I'm Sundrop! Welcome, welcome to the daycare! You seem rather old to be here! Nevertheless! We're going to have so much fun, fun!" Sun's head tilted to the right as he continued to smile at the kid. "Say, what's your name?"

I dont see your reason to ask his name. You already know it. Moondrop's voice reverberated throughout Sun's skull. Moon was always so pessimistic and he never saw through to people's emotions. I heard that.

Oh would you shut it and let me do my job? Sundrop hissed back to Moon. The two would almost always get into petty fights like this.

The boy hesitantly responded, unsure of himself. "Im Y/N?" He looked up at Sundrop with a confused look.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Y/N!" Sundrop paused as he processed what he would say next. Sun was so used to talking to younger kids that it took him more thought to figure out the proper thing to reply with. "Is there anything I could get you? Animal Crackers? Apple juice?" As Sundrop was talking, a message displayed across his field of view.

The message displayed "20 minutes to nap time."


You hesitated for a moment before asking Sundrop for some water. He nodded rushed off right away, which gave you a moment to figure out what in the hell just happened. You decided that you would sit on the foam puzzle piece mat on the floor to think and calm down. It only just then dawned on you how damn tall that thing was. You were rather tall for your age, standing in at about 6'3, but this thing was at least 9 feet tall. You shuddered at the thought. "Why would they make a daycare attendant so threateningly tall?"

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