Sundrop and Moondrop Comfort

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Not requested, Non-binary, blind, kid reader (About 10 years old). Sun and Moon have two different bodies, but Moondrop is really sensitive to light and Sundrop physically can't see in the dark. In dim lights, they can both manage. Just not that comfortably.

Suprrbooprr on Tictok is my biggest inspiration, and their rendition of these skrunkly boys is how I view Sundrop and Moondrop, go check them out!

Also I have a headcannon that the sun rays surrounding Sun's head are crinkly like a cat/baby toy.

Your father gently led you into the daycare, or at least you think it's a daycare. The smell of crayons and glue is strong and you can hear children like you laughing and playing. Except they aren't like you.

Your dad rubbed your shoulder. "Don't worry, Y/N. The daycare here is really nice and I'm sure you'll make some friends!" You nodded quietly. You could hear bells and a whirring sound approach you and you clinged to your father tighter as the noises stopped in front of you.

"Why hello, hello friend!" The thing in front of you said in a high voice. You couldn't help but notice the electronic sound of a speaker as the thing spoke. You heard wore whrring sounds and a shuffle of bells and cloth "I'm Sundrop! The daycare attendant." You heard gears and shifting rather close to your face and you stepped back a little. "What's your name, little Sunbeam?" Sundrop asked.

Your father spoke up for you, you could practically hear the smile in his voice, "this is Y/N!" You tuned out your father introducing the two of you and slowly started walking off.


Sun noticed the child walking off and took note of it while waiting for the father to finish. Once the man walked out, Sundrop spun around to go find the new little friend. They weren't far away, as they took small steps with their hands slightly extended. Sun walked over, trying not to startle them. "Hey little Sunbeam! How are you doing?" Sundrop gently placed his hand on Y/N's shoulder, which made the kid turn around to face Sun. They had a pearly, almost glassy film over their eyes and their gaze was more-or-less pointed at Sundrop's chest.

"I," They stuttered, "can I touch your face?" They asked.

Sun looked confused for a moment, baffled by the request before realizing why. He grinned and kneeled down so Y/N could reach his face. "Of course, Sunbeam!" Sundrop closed his eyes and smiled as Y/N reached up for his face.

Y/N reached up a litte too far and accidentally grabbed the crinkly sun rays on top of Sun's head. This, of course, confused them. Sundrop opened his eyes and gently lead Y/N's hands to his cheeks. There, they carefully slid their hand across the cold metal of Sundrop's face. Once they were done, Y/N pulled their hands back and smiled.

Sun smiled back, although Y/N wouldn't have been able to know. Y/N squeaked out a quiet thank you before carefully wandering off. Sundrop stood back up, watching them delicately make their way through the mess of kids.

"I'll definitely need to keep an eye on them." Sundrop told himself before he looked down at a kid that tugged on his pants.


You warily made your way over to some kind of table. From what you could smell, it smelled like a place where you could get something to eat (mostly pizza.) It was only then that you realized how hungry you really were when your stomach made a rather loud, grumbling noise.

You heard the familiar sound of gears and bells walking past and you turned to the noise. "Mr Sun?" You called out. The bells paused but you heard a spinning sound before the bells started up again, this time coming towards you.

"Oh? What is it little Sunbeam?" He asked, his voice still joyful. You pointed to what you believed was the alleged source of food.

"Could I get something to eat?" You wondered. You yelped a bit as large hands grabbed you from under your arms. You grabbed hold of the arms that had you lifted from the safety of the ground.

"Sorry little Sunbeam, snacks are for after naptime!" Sun set you down gently on what appeared to be some kind of foam mat. "Wouldn't want you bouncing around while others are trying to sleep!"

You grumbled a bit before looking up at where you believed Sundrop was. "Well, when is naptime?" You asked.

Sun clapped once and you realized you weren't facing his direction. "Naptime is in just a few minutes!" You corrected the direction of your gaze and continued to listen to Sundrop. "When naptime starts, my friend will be there to watch over you." You sighed and let Sundrop lead you over to the naptime spot. You sat down on a comfortable sleeping bag and sat there, listening to Sundrop ushering the other kids to get into a bag and get ready for naptime.


Right on time, the lights in the daycare dimmed and slowly went out. Moondrop walked out into the dark daycare and his eyes immediately landed an the children in the nap area. There was one kid who was still sitting up, seeming to be frozen there.

Moon made his way over to the small child. As Moondrop stood in front of the kid, they looked over and up at Moon, although, not directly. "Hey," Moondrop whispered, "what are you still doing up, starlight?" Moon squated down in front the kid, getting a better view of their face. Only then did Moondrop realize they had some kind of white layer over their eyes.

"I can't sleep." The kid whimpered. Moondrop sat down and sighed, lifting them up and putting them in his lap.

Moon patted the kid's head reassuringly. "It's okay, Starlight." He held them gently. "What's your name?"

The child quietly responded with "Y/N" then looked up at where they believed Moon's face was. "What's your name?" Y/N questioned.

Moondrop paused for a moment. "Moondrop. My name is Moondrop."

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Moon."

1046 words

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