Sundrop Comfort PRT. 1

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Not requested. Sick female adult reader. Sundrop and Moondrop share a body and conscious. Reader is an overseer of the daycare to make sure Sun and Moon stay in check.

Moondrop's part will come next.

Lmao I'm sick rn so I decided I'll make a story to cheer me up


Also, having one of those 64oz bottles of Sunny D while your sick is like fucking HEAVEN.

You groaned quietly as you pushed open the doors of the daycare.
You had been feeling groggy and sluggish all morning, but you knew that if you didn't go to work today, Sundrop and Moondrop would be worried out of their electronic minds.

"Good morning, Sunshine!" Sunny rushed over and enveloped you in a hug. He squeezed you a little too tight and you had to pat his back in order to get him to let go. "Oh! I'm sorry Sunshine! It's just-" Sundrop paused, and you guessed that Moony was probably saying something to Sun. Whatever it was made Sunny grin before the sun-themed animatronic continued what he had started to say. "We missed you so much." You responded with a congested giggle which made Sundrop completely melt.

Sundrop gave your forehead a peck. He held your head in his hands for a moment and gazed into your eyes with an expression that could only be described with love before he skipped off to welcome the children that were starting to enter the daycare. You smiled at Sundrop and the children rushing in before sitting on your own designated beanbag that Sun and Moon decorated themselves. It had some so-so embroidered stars, moons, and suns. You sighed and leaned backwards. You felt weighted down by a heavy, stuffy feeling and it was awful.

You groaned as you tried to remember what you ate or drank this morning, before realizing that you never did eat. You had woken up late and didn't move fast enough to fix yourself some food. You knew that eating food outside of snack time wasn't allowed, and you weren't excluded from the rules, however it would still be a good idea to at least drink something. Luckily getting something to drink wasn't against the rules.

You shuffled yourself out of the bean bag and drudged over to the snack bar. Going behind the counter, you opened the fridge and saw two whole 64oz bottles of Sunny D. You reached for one of the bottles, but paused as you thought of an alternative meaning for 'Sunny D.' Your face was comparable to that of the contents of a tomato V8 can as you yanked one of the bottles and almost slammed the fridge closed.

You started off back to the comfort of the bean bag, opening the bottle and drinking the most-likely-orange-juice while walking. A kid walked up to you and tugged on your wrinkly pant leg. You looked down at the small kid, confused.

"Ms Y/N?" The little boy asked "can I have some?" You looked confused for a moment before you realized he was talking about the Sunny D.

"Oh, um, why don't you go ask Mr Sun?" You suggested. You gave the kid a weary smile as he ran off.

You passed by Sunny who turned around to greet you but froze as he saw what the bottle in your hands. He joined you in the V8 cult.

Your gaze fell on Sunny and you choked on your drink. Fortunately, you were able to not spill it all over your clothes. You made eye contact with Sundrop for a good 10 seconds before you closed the lid on the orange drink and scurried off to the beanbag.

~{《Oh boy a timeskip》}~

At some point, you had closed your eyes and were halfway between and awake. You groaned as someone called your name. You leaned back up and almost bummed into Sundrop's face. "Sunshine are you okay? You seem really out of it today." You were face to face with an extremely worried Sundrop. So much for trying to keep them worry free today.

"Oh, it's really nothing, Sunny! I'm just a little under the weather!" You tried to downplay how bad you actually felt, but Sundrop overreacted anyways.

Sun looked like a sad kitten as he spoke. "Oh no! Sunshine, why didn't you tell us? We could have helped you!" He started to feel at your forehead to check your temperature. "At least you're not running a fever." Sun sounded worried as he cupped your face with his hands. He gently pressed his forehead against yours then appeared to get an idea. "I know! I'll make you some soup!" Sun grinned and rushed off to the snack bar. You slouched and grabbed the Sunny D bottle that was beside the beanbag and finished it off, then curled up and waited for Sundrop to come back.

After a bit, Sunny came back over and gently propped you up. He rubbed your back carefully and handed you an orange, opaque soup in a bright blue bowl. You looked down at it, and since you aren't a picky eater, you picked up the also blue spoon that was in the bowl and shoveled a bite into your mouth. You instantly regret it, as you had to forcefully swallow to keep it, and that Sunny D, from a rather nasty reunion. You looked up at Sundrop and gave him a strained smile as you set the spoon back down into the bowl.

"Wow, Sunny, what did you put in there? It's," you swallowed and wished that you hadn't finished off that orange drink, "really good." You managed to croak out.

Sundrop clapped, smilling like a giddy child. "Oh I'm so glad you like it, Sunshine! I made it out of apples and butternut squash! You realized why It tasted so horrible. " Sun hesitated a moment and his smile wavered. "Um," Sun started, "Moony says you hate it." Sun looked a little tense, so you set the bowl on the ground off to the side and cupped Sun's face, just how he had done to you earlier. The animatronic practically turned to mush

You gave Sundrop a genuine smile that further melted into a orange puddle in your hands. "I love you," you said as you nuzzled him, "but I have to be honest." This made sun perk up in curiosity. "I didn't like the soup." You willed yourself for the tears that were soon to come. You pulled Sundrop into a hug and pat his back.

Sun sobbed like a small child "I made it for you though!" He cried. He hugged you back and squeezed you firmly. You heard him mutter something along the lines of "shut up Moon" and "you're not helping." You stayed like that for a bit before Sundrop remembered that he had a job to to and he got back to the kids.

I will finish this tomorrow- It's just too much for my smush brain to handle

Blooper time!

Sun autocorrected to sus in paragraph 7
"Why don't you go ask mr Sus?"

*meanwhile when the kid asked Sun about the Sunny D*

"Mr Sun! Mr Sun! I want some Sunny D just like Y/N has!"

Sun chokes on his own words "you- gah- huh- guh- WHAT?!"

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