Chapter 36

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"My eyes?" Tobirama's remark left Hikari dumbfounded. "What...?"

"We have been noticing something strange within members of the Uchiha Clan that awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan. And that is, most of them get weaker and weaker each war that passes, until eventually they stop showing up." The medic explains with a grim face. "We assumed they've died."

"There are exceptions, logically... For example, Madara Uchiha hasn't been showing obvious signs of deterioration, or at least he's very good at hiding them." Tobirama narrowed his eyes at the thought. "Izuna neither. Maybe it has also something to do with genetics. There are Uchiha who are more adept for the Mangekyou than others."

Hikari pressed her lips into a thin line, grasping the sheets between her fingers. "My sister..."

Tobirama shifted his gaze toward her. "Hanako also has the Mangekyou?"

"Yeah... but she awakened it before I did, and she has no signs of deterioration either..."

"But your sister has Senju genes," the medic interjected. "It's quite obvious when you glance at her chakra. Her body is probably way stronger than yours is, so it won't deteriorate as fast as yours do."

"The Senju almost never get ill." Tobirama sighed. "Our bodies are naturally strong, so it's no surprise that Hanako is no different. Besides, she has large sources of chakra. She can probably withstand the Mangekyou's drainage with ease."

The medic nodded. "I treated your eyes as if they were the source of a poison that's affecting almost every single organ in your body, but what is happening is that your eyes are literally sucking your chakra sources dry and leaving your body without any chakra to subsist. It's kind of the same consequence as depleting your chakra to zero, you die." Hikari flinched at what the medic said. "I blocked your eyes from using chakra, but if you use your Sharingan, the blockage will be cut off and your chakra will deplete completely."

Hikari focused on the fabric of the sheets. She had no idea how much time she had been in the Senju compound, maybe just one night, but she already felt better. "I've heard rumors about our eyesight becoming worse each time we use a Mangekyou technique, until eventually we become blind... But I never thought about the chance of being incompatible with our own Mangekyou." Hikari closed her eyes.

"Very few are compatible from what I see..." With a shake of his head, Tobirama walked towards the door. "The Mangekyou should be a forbidden technique among the Uchiha."

The medic gave Hikari a serious look. "Just to make it clear, Hikari. You cannot use your eyes anymore, if you use it even one more time, you'll inevitably die on the spot."

* * *

"You know, when Amane told me you just arrived here, I was surprised. How did you even find this place?" Hanako narrowed her eyes when she came face to face with Kira Uchiha. "Have you come to apologize and nurse my sister back to health?" The woman didn't look any happy.

"The anchor," Kira snarled. "I don't really care if you want to stay here, but I need to go now. Give it to me."

"The anchor?" Hanako chuckled. "Sorry, why would I give it to you? You tried to kill us, for all I care you can stay here." She eyed her aunt up and down. She looked like crap, exhausted. "It doesn't look like you'll make it alive to the other side of the portal anyway."

Endless rows of trees surrounded both of them. Kira noted that her niece wasn't alone. Itachi, Shisui and Amane stood behind her, but Hikari was nowhere to be seen. "Where's your sister?" she asked. "Is she not good enough to come here? I don't think she can cross the portal either."

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