Chapter 20

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For the next three months, Hanako had endured continuous training with Tajima and sparring with the Uchiha brothers and Amane. The constant use of the hitsurugi didn't put a strain on her stamina anymore. Her body had gotten lighter, and she learned to control her chakra to magnify the power of her attacks. Her speed had also improved, but Hanako acknowledged it was because of the design of the Uchiha clothes. They allowed her to move freely without hindrances.

"You've gotten better since the last time we sparred," Amane commented with a grin as she put away her knives.

Hanako swung her sword, and cut the air between them leaving a trace of fire. Tajima taught her about Samadhi's flames and flamers. Their fire could burn as hot as the surface of the sun and its flames couldn't be extinguished even by the best water technique. Combined with her wind affinity, Hanako learned to control her flames to her own will and develop a flame that could survive even to the most extreme conditions. "I won't stand back again and let you guys have all the fun."

Amane smiled. "I see."

A group of Uchiha walked into the center of the compound, dragging with them a young man. He was clearly exhausted and completely emaciated. Hanako and Amane immediately stopped their fight and observed the man being escorted.

Izuna walked out of the main house and glared at the men at their entrance. "What is this?"

They all bowed to him. "This man claims he has a message for Tajima-sama. It seems to be very important."

"What message?"

"He refuses to talk unless we agree to help him."

Izuna huffed, his eyes cold. "Help him? We could just kill him right now, what's so important about him anyway?"

The man flinched. "It's information of great importance, I assure you. If you don't listen to me, he will destroy the country."

"Who will?"

"My master... he was possessed by a spirit that was sealed in a stone."

Hanako looked at the man.

"A stone?" Izuna smirked widely. "What do you take us for? Collectors? Look somewhere else for help." He turned back to the house and was about to walk in when Hanako approached the group.

"Would you mind explaining, please? We kind of need more than what you're offering if we are to believe you." She smiled at the man. "You see. The situation right now is complicated. I wouldn't say that we don't trust you, we're just cautious around strangers."

Izuna pursed his lips and turned back to the girl. "What are you doing, Hanako?"

The girl smiled at him. "I'm curious about this stone. Aren't you?"

"You shouldn't be so confident towards strangers. He could be setting a trap for us!" He was gritting his teeth, looking at Hanako with deadly red eyes.

Hanako rolled her eyes. "What kind of trap could an old man like him be setting within enemy territory?"

He replied in less than a second. "He could be an infiltrator gathering intel."

"I'm not," the man hurried to say. "I'm not infiltrating, and I have no one else to go to. My people were all killed."

Hanako shared a glance towards Izuna. He took a deep breath. "Fine. Just this once." His glare turned serious. "But if something happens, you'll take responsibility."

The grin in her face widened, and she gave the man a warm smile. "Are you hungry, mister? I know the place with the best rice dumplings here."

* * *

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