Chapter 5

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"You're an elf Nicole," Sophie said looking me dead in the eye.

"You know, of everyone here, I didn't think you would be the one with the oddest sense of humour," I told her.

"She's being serious," Dex said.

"Okay fine, let's say that I'm an elf, do I need to help Froddo Baggins on a quest, or do need to wear a pillowcase and cook for the students of Hogwart?"

"This is serious Nicole" Linh seemed so serious that I finally shut up so Sophie could finish.

She took a deep breath and continued.


"Okay so let me get this straight, I was created as an experiment so that this weird dude could perfect you, you are the 'Moonlark', I'm an elf and I'm supposed to have special abilities, you guys were sent here by the weird dude to come and 'collect' and or kidnap me,"

"More like bringing you back to your home but yes," Keefe added looking very bored with this conversation.

"Can I finish my thought now Keefe?" I asked him

"Yes, you may" He smirked and went back to staring at the wall.

I rolled my eyes and continued explaining what I understood about what Sophie had told me "and what this man or our 'creator' is telling you is that I'm supposedly more powerful than you and this weird organization called the Neverseen is out to get me"

"Yup," Tam responded.

"Alright, now that you're all up to speed we really should bring you back with us. You probably want to pack up your things 'cause you aren't coming back" Sophie told me, standing up from the table she headed for the door and motioned for the others to follow her. "We'll be back in about an hour to pick you up."

And with that they were gone, for the first few minutes I sat in silence just staring at the wall. I quickly got up realizing that if they got back in an hour and I didn't pack anything I would be going to this weird place with absolutely nothing but the clothes I was wearing. I got the suitcases out of the cupboard in the front hall. I brought it upstairs and started putting things in. 

I started putting my clothes into one of them, but unfortunately, as much as I tried, I couldn't cram my sweaters, PJs or shoes into it. I got out another one and shoved those things in there.

Once I was done with that I moved on to some of my other stuff (ex: toiletries, books, sketchbooks and pencils, phone, charger and cord, and headphones) which I put in my backpack. I finally checked the time and saw that my friends were gonna come back in about 10 minutes so I decided to look around for any last-minute things I could to put in my bag. I finally spotted my stuffed koala, and I decided to put it in my backpack, for the memories, along with my current sketchbook and my coloured pencil kit. 

As I made my way back downstairs I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly rushed to go see my friends. When I opened it I was surprised to only saw Biana there.

"Where are the others?" I asked them.

"They're at their houses but you'll see them when you start school next Monday," Biana told me.

"Okay" I looked down with tears in my eyes, I didn't want to cry in front of my friend but I realized that I was never going to see this house again. I was never going to walk up those stairs. No more cooking in the kitchen, no more late-night movies with mom. Mom, I was never going to see her again was I?

"Hey, it's okay," I heard Biana reassure me, "you're going to have a new home and it's gonna be just as awesome as this one"

"I don't know about that, this home was pretty awesome" I replied.

"Are you ready to go?" Biana asked me.

"Yeah, I think so" I stepped out of the house dragging my suitcases along with me. As I was about to lock the door, which I finally oiled that morning, I remembered something super important that I would never forgive myself if I forgot. I pushed open the door and ran upstairs to my room. I could hear the footsteps of the others behind me but that didn't matter. 

"Nikki wait!" I heard Biana shout behind me as she and Keefe raced up the stairs.

When I reached the corner of my room I pushed aside the nightstand to reveal a small hidden door. I made sure to open it slowly so that it wouldn't fall off its hinges. Once completely opened it revealed a tiny compartment, in it was a medium-sized storage box with places all over Europe on it (box at the top)

"Is this what you rushed upstairs for?" Biana asked me puzzled while I stuffed the box into my bag.

"Yup," I replied with a small smile "let's go"



Hey guys I hope that you guys are enjoying the book so far. Leave a comment to tell me what you think of it so far. I'm sorry that I didn't post sooner, I've been kinda busy this week with school and all that. I'll try to post a little more often though.


P.S. I normally log onto Wattpad once a day so don't be shy to comment or chat with me because I'll normally respond within 48 hours. I hope that y'all have a good day.

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