Chapter 2

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The van was currently parked in front of the local grocery store. The pavement was worn, just like the rest of the roads, but the building itself looked decent...I guess. The painting had long faded from harsh weather but was free from any dirt or grime. The lights advertising the store name were all working...but faded.

I guess that could be said about the condition of the whole town. All the buildings, streets, and lights. Everything was clean, safe, and in seemingly altogether good condition, but everything was just worn. As if the town's life has been slowly drained over the course of the last decade leaving everything with an air of lifelessness.

I rub my face vigorously.

Ugh, I need coffee!

Looking at the dashboard clock it finally turns to 9:00 am.

"Alright, the store is open. Does everyone remember the rules?" I ask turning fully around in my seat to face the kids. The four youngest sat in the back

Marcus stares blankly in front of him, his eyes lazily gazing out the window.

He was born three years after Kelsey, now a budding twelve-year-old. With big round eyes, hidden behind thick glasses and an even thicker head of dark brown curls. He reminded mom of what she used to deem her "sophisticated" stage in choosing men. Although didn't have any better luck with keeping Marcus's father than any of her other men. Marcus mostly kept to himself. Unlike extroverted me, or strong but silent Kelsey; he was softer, gentler, and more fragile. Marcus' timid nature was always easy to find either behind a book or one of his comics.

Next to him in the back seat were the twins. They seemed to be preoccupied...I don't know, they look to be counting each other's teeth.

Charlie and Charlotte came next in the line of children. Barely children at five years old their Italian heritage can be seen in their dark soulful eyes and midnight hair. While they looked identical, they were yin and yang. Now, I don't believe that there is such a thing as a bad and good twin. They could more be described as obviously manipulative and less obviously manipulative. For example, Charlotte had the sweetest smile and largest doe eyes a susceptible adult could ever have the pleasure of seeing. And she knew just when to pout her lips and water her eyes to get what she wanted. Whereas Charlie...he simply screamed at you until he got what he wanted.

"Charlie, what's rule number one?" I ask, trying to get the twins' attention focused again.

Slightly startled, he looks up at me and grins, "Rule number one is to always keep a hand on the cart!" He repeats sitting up a little straighter.

"Good job, and Charlotte, what's rule two?"

Her big eyes swing to me, "Rule two is not to ask if we can have anything extra than what's already on the list."

"Great job guys!" I say with a faux smile, trying to appear much more enthusiastic than I feel. "Kels, if you can grab Evie I'll round up the other three, sound good?" I ask, turning back to the front. She nods.

"Alright, let's try to be in and out."


This was a mistake.

"Charlie, stop pulling at my hair!"

"I'm not, your hair was in my face and I moved it so I could breathe!"

"You're a liar!"

"Nu-uh! You are!"

We were currently standing in the middle of a grocery aisle, grabbing the last couple of things off of our list and the trip had quickly devolved into a horrific nightmare that seemed to never end.

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