Chapter 21

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Dinner was over.

I was currently wiping down the long dining room table...


The cloth in my hand was no longer picking up any grime, and the smell of polish on the old wood permeated the room with the number of layers I had swiped on the table.

But I had refused to leave this room.

It might be immature to do this as a guest in someone else's house. I was essentially secluding myself in an isolated timeout away from the rest of the group. But I couldn't bring myself to go into the living room where everyone else was at.

It was all Damien's fault.

When dinner started I was sure he would stay as far from the kids as possible after their treatment of him. However, he had made sure to situate himself as close to the three of them as he could. Somehow he had managed to get each of them to talk one at a time and had calmly listened to why they thought "his" opinions were wrong and heard their side out. By the end of dinner, the kids were pleased they were able to change his mind, and their berating soon turned into excited conversation over their varying favorite topics.

Much to my dismay, I saw the kids become more and more infatuated with Damien, and after dinner was over they had asked him to play with them.

The man had happily agreed with a dazed smile on his face.

Everyone was now in the living room, and among my many glances through the dining doorframe, I could see that they were all enjoying themselves. Kelsey and Al were talking on the couch while Lou was on the floor with Charlie and Charlotte, playing with some blocks. Damien was sitting in a side chair with Evie on his knee while he was intently listening to Marcus discuss something about comics.

And I had chosen to hide in the dining room.

After dinner, I quickly volunteered to do the cleanup. At one point Lou had come in offering to help, but after seeing my face and hearing my short answers she had let me be. I had taken my time to be meticulous with everything including washing the table, dishes, and kitchen. Hell, I had even pulled out all the dining chairs just to sweep under the table.

It had taken me a while, but not long enough. I had finished almost ten minutes ago and was trying to find some excuse as to not enter the same room as Damien.

I look up as I hear approaching footsteps and see Kels come into the room. She glances at the cloth in my hand and the table and gives me an unimpressed look.

"You done with your tantrum?" she asks, casually coming to stand next to me.

I purse my lips, "Not yet..." I reply, beginning to pointlessly wipe the table again.

She chuckles, pushing a lock of her hair out of her face, "I don't really know why you're still upset," she admits quirking an inquisitive brow at me.

I stop what I'm doing and immediately spin around in annoyance, "I'm upset because that man...he's such a...he shouldn't have...ugh!" I huff and resume my task with a scowl.

"The fucking bastard needs to just leave us alone," I finally grit out, refusing to meet her eyes.

Kelsey sighs, "I know you don't like him for many reasons, and that's fine. But I think you're upset because you gave him a test and he passed," she pauses, causing me I stop my abuse on the table and glare at the worn wood.

"You sacked the kids on him, and he was able to handle the situation. Even gaining their trust. I think there are many reasons to not like the man, but not liking him because he was able to handle the situation you instigated isn't a reason," she responds rather evenly.

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