The Hunt

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It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and mama had brought Pete to a jungle. There were many types of plants here. From bright flowers to dark-leafed trees. It was absolutely stunning.
"I'm gonna go get a drink Pete" said a voice from behind the baby Triceratops. "Okay mama. I'll be waiting over here." As the adult left, the baby continued eating.


"W-who's there!" The baby Triceratops said, frightened. No answer. [It was probably nothing, the rainforest is filled with birds] he thought.
Suddenly, a shape flew across Pete's eyes. He was scared and confused, but only for a few seconds...

"I'm ba-" the mother Triceratops said before seeing a trail of blood leading into the forest. Horrified, she called out for her son, but it was too late. He was already dead.

In what they call The Forest of Caves, Blue saw Charlie approaching with a dead Juvenile Triceratops.
"This is all I could find. Then again I didn't look very hard." "Whatever" the blue-striped raptor said. "As long as we get to eat."

Blue called over Echo and Delta to eat. They were annoying a Baryonyx, but it could wait. They were hungry anyways. Once the corpse was finished (which didn't take very long), Echo secretly brought it out to the forest for the Compies to finish.
"You ready to annoy a big-ass crocodile?" Delta said. "Y-yeah I just had some business to take care of..." "Were you feeding the compies again?" "N-no! Why would I ever do that?!" Delta then said "That's my question. Anyways, let's go drive an alligator insane!"

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