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When Slash woke up in the morning, he saw the Spinosaurus next to his cave. Slash took a closer look at it, and realized it was badly injured. Slash and Charlie had become good friends so he called him over. "This looks exactly how the Apatosaurus corpse did in the field next to the lake. The only difference is that the Spinosaurus has less injuries and isn't dead yet. Blue heard Slash call for Charlie so she decided to see what was going on. When she saw the hurt Spinosaurus, she said to Charlie and Slash that they should help it. "But whyyy..." Charlie complained. "If we do him a favor, he might do one for us. And that can come in handy" Blue said. "OK fine. I guess we can help him... but I'm not gonna help heal him!" "Whatever" Blue responded.

Slash mentioned the trees being knocked over while helping with the Spinosaurus so Charlie mentioned the sauropod footprints. Blue thought it might be a large, rogue sauropod because the trees around the lake were pretty big.

When the Spinosaurus woke up, he tried to explain what happened. "So, I was going to visit some of my friends (the Austroraptors) when I hear a loud roar. I couldn't decide if it was a Giganotosaurus roar or the roar of a large sauropod, but it didn't seem close so I ignored it. Later, I heard the roar again but this time it was close. Very close. Suddenly, a tree fell behind me and almost crushed me. Then, I saw a HUGE sauropod that had a spikey club at the end of it's tail, armor with large, rocky spikes, and teeth. Not even plant-chewing teeth, sharp ones! For eating meat! Anyways, it was very aggressive and attacked me. Thankfully, I was able to escape here before collapsing and now I'm here." The group of dinosaurs decided there was something very strange going on.

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