Chapter 3

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Oscar walked through the streets, his eyes darting across the crowded sidewalk. In one paw, he held a steaming cup and the other three paws were desperately trying not to trip over every other cat's feet. No one cared if they knocked down a poor, skinny street kid. Oscar frowned. That was just his life now, all he remembered of his family were a few smiles, laughter and-Oscar shut his eyes and flattened his ears against his head- a scream.

Closing his eyes proved to be a mistake, however. He stumbled over an upturned tile and, in his haste not to fall, he cut his paw.
Cursing, Oscar limped over to a small alley and sat down on the cool, shadowed ground. He put the cup down and held out his other paw, inspecting it. The wound wasn't too deep. Okay, sure, it was pretty deep but it'll be fine, right?

Picking the cup up once again, Oscar continued along until he reached a spot between two houses. He smiled at the small body curled up in a small corner. Oscar limped over and put the cup down on the floor. He then shook the body.
"Five more minutes, mum" Stick grumbled in his sleep, rolling onto his other side.

Oscar looked down at the child sympathetically. It had been years since Stick lost his family. But he always managed to meet them in his dreams. Only blurry images, of course, but his parents none the less. Now, Oscar and Stick were pretty much brothers. Thick as thieves and partners in crime. But still, as close to family as the two could get.

Oscar made a sound in mock-exasperation. "Oh get up sleepyhead, or i might just drink the coffee myself".
At this, Stick got up. "Coffee? You got some?"
"Why didn't ya say so?"
Oscar rolled his eyes. "I did"

Oscar opened a small box and took out another cup, then he carefully poured in half of the coffee into the empty cup. "Cheers" Oscar smiled.
"Cheers" Stick grinned
"What'll we do today?" Oscar asked Stick, knowing the young cat would have something in mind. "Can we go to the park? Please?" Stick asked, looking up at Oscar. "K, but first i'm getting the newspaper" Oscar replied.

"Ugh, if i didn't know you were a year older than me, i would've thought you were a short adult." Stick huffed
"Shush, you" Oscar said, shouldering Stick playfully.


Stick bounced along beside Oscar, who was walking with a brisk pace, weaving around cats and around corners. Loosen up already! Stick huffed inwardly.
You see, Oscar had to grow up quickly, life wasn't the easiest for him. Stick hadn't adopted Oscar's more mature ways, but really, Oscar needed Stick to remind Oscar that he needed a childhood.

They soon reached the park. Kittens were laughing and prancing around doing whatever kittens do.
The park was rather big. There was a slide, swings and a climbing frame. There were also sandpits and multiple other things.
Stick grinned and dashed off to the slide.


Oscar sat back and watched Stick. A smile touched his lips then he grimaced and looked at his paw. The paw pad was still cut and blood was dripping down onto the green grass below. He took a leaf and wrapped it around his injury. It was good enough, for now at least.

About an hour passed and Oscar decided it was time to head back. He got up, wincing at his paw and called for Stick.
The young cat dashed over, smiling up at Oscar. "Damn i'm hungry!" He said.
"I can nick sandwiches for us then" Oscar said, smiling as they walked back to their little corner in the world.


She had been watching the two children for a while now. Her glossy midnight fur blending in with the bushes that concealed her. They would be a great asset to our team. She mused. These two had great potential, now all she had to do now was figure out how to ask them to join.
Soon, justice would reign again.


Ack, this chapter came out pretty late. But hecc, homework sucks 😭
Updates may be less frequent cause i have a creative writing competition at school and i'm writing a book called 'Silent Enigma'. Not the full version, but just a school friendly one lol.

After Sticky, i'll share Silent Enigma, it was originally meant to be a webcomic and still will be, but ya know, school changed my plans. Again.
Anywho, i'll start drawing the new cover and the characters to show you what they look like.

I'm really exited for this book to end, it'll be my first finished real book! Eee!

Also, the great tragedy is yet to come, but it wont be soon lol.

Bye! Hecc, its 11:27pm where i am right now oof.


Best regards
-Enigma (UwU, yes, i'm Enigma now, not Midnightmoon :') )

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