Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

“I can’t believe our baby is in there,” Niall stated, “it’s so tiny.”

"I know” Emma giggled looking down at her stomach.

“So, when are we going to tell everybody?” Niall asked excitedly.

“Not until we reach 13 weeks”

“Why? That’s so long away”

“It’s only like 8 weeks and there is less chance of me having a miscarriage.”

“You’re not going to have a miscarriage, I can tell she’s a fighter” He said looking up into Emma’s eyes

“So you think it’s a girl now?” Emma said raising her eyebrows at him.

“Yeah, and she’s going to be called Aria. What do you think she is?”

“Well I think she is a he and he is going to be called, Mason”

“I like it” Niall nodded as his stomach growled.

“How are you hungry? We only had lunch at 2” Emma said trying really hard to hide her laughter.

“I’m always hungry” he said getting up off the couch and going to find something to make for dinner.


“You actual fail at life” Zoey said walking into the kitchen and seeing the mess all over the stove and counter top.

“I tried to make you a romantic dinner, but its totally ruined” Zayn pouted.

“It’s okay we can try and save it” Zoey said rolling up the sleeves on her cardigan. After a good 20 minutes of trying to save Zayn’s dinner Zoey finally gave up.

“This sucks, I try to do something nice for once and I just stuff it up”

“It’s okay Zayn really, you do the dishes and I will order a pizza and we can pick the pizza up together and go and borrow some DVD’s and we can watch movies, eat chocolate and pizza, all in our PJ’s.”

  “Okay” Zayn said still pouting a little.


“Babe, what are you still doing up?” Louis said walking into the study – he’d woken up to get a glass of water and noticed the light still on in the study.

“I just need to finish this” Jess said typing frantically.

“What is it?”

“My assignment”

“When’s it due?”

“Babe I’m on my last paragraph, so you go back to bed and I will be there in a minute.”

“Okay” he said going into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

                When Jess had finally finished, proof read and sent her assignment to her professor, she went to get ready for bed. Before she turned off the light to go to sleep she looked at Louis who was sleeping peacefully for only a second, then switched off the light and went to sleep.


Emma was awoken by a loud knocking on her front door. She quickly glanced over at Niall who was still asleep and then got up to answer the door. She was faced with Chloe who had tears streaming down her face.

“Chloe,” Emma whispered pulling Chloe into a hug, “what happened?”

“He got her pregnant”

“Who got who pregnant” Emma said not putting the pieces together due to it being 2 AM.

“Liam got Rhianna pregnant” Chloe cried into the crook of Emma’s neck.

“Oh, how about I make you a hot chocolate and you can have one of the cupcakes I made today”

“Thanks Emma” Chloe said pulling away and smiling.

The 2 girls sat in the kitchen and Chloe told Emma everything that had happened that night.

“So, let me get this right, you and Liam just got back together when Rhianna turned up on Liam’s doorstep with a baby that she thinks is his.”

“Yep” Chloe said taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

“That’s really messed up, what’s he going to do?”

“I know, he’s going to get a paternity test, but more importantly Emma, what should I do?”

“I think you should stay with him because he knew just as much about this baby as you did and he is probably freaking out because he doesn’t know what to do”


Wise words with Emma haha,

Okay heres one thing I think is stupid, why did Wattpad change fans to followers? Like does it have to be like everything else, I like the word fan, it sounds better and also like you want to Fan me but noooo its follower so it makes you guys sound like I'm forcing you to be here, I dont know I just dont like it. Rant over.

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Justine xoxo

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