Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

“No, no, no, you can’t come now” Emma whispered to herself or more to say her baby which was now on its way.

“What did you say Emma?” Zoey asked. Zoey was staying with Emma while the boys were off doing a radio tour for a couple of days and Niall didn’t want Emma to be left home alone so close to her due date.

“Oh n-nothing” she said as she made her way upstairs to pack a bag or something. Emma hadn’t planned on this happening while Niall was away, she also hadn’t planned on it happening 2 weeks early but not everything goes to plan.  As Emma was walking down the stairs her water broke.

“Zoey, we need to get to the hospital. After I change.”

“Okay, what should I do?”

“Grab the bag that is sitting on my bed and meet me in the car.” Emma was trying her hardest to seem clam on the outside but on the inside she was freaking out she didn’t know if she could do this with out Niall. When Emma got in the car Zoey saw the panic all over her face.

“Emma it’ll be fine Niall will be here”

“Thanks, but can you please just drive” Emma said trying to sound calm again. She tried to ring Niall on the way to the hospital but his phone was off. She text the other girls and they all said they were on their way.

Once they arrived at the hospital Emma was taken off to her hospital room. About 10 minutes later the other 3 girls walked in asking if there was anything they could do.

After they’d got water and the like 1 billion other things Emma wanted they were just sitting around talking waiting for something to happen.

“Hey can you guys try to get hold of anyone of the boys again?”

“Yeah sure” Jess said getting up and leaving the room.

“Jess where are you going?” Emma asked.

“Shouldn’t use your phone in a hospital.” She said holding the door open for the other girls.

“I’ll stay here then” Chloe said from where she was sitting.


After about 10 minutes Jess finally got hold of Louis.

“I’ve got Lou, guys its all good you can go inside”

“Lou, Niall needs to come home like right now.”

“Why? What’s happened?”

“Emma’s in Labour”

“Oh crap, how is she going?”

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