Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Harry woke to find Molly’s side of the bed cold and empty, and he could smell something burning. He rushed to the kitchen hoping Molly was okay. When he got to the kitchen Molly wasn’t there only an extremely burnt pancake and a bowl full of batter. He went over and switched the stove off before it burnt the house down.

“Babe, what happened?” Harry rushed over to Molly as she came out of the bathroom.

“I just wanted to make a nice breakfast for the first morning in our new house and I just started to feel really sick.” She started to cry.

“Baby, it’s okay we can have plenty other special breakfasts here” he said taking her into a hug.

“Your not angry?”

“No, I’m not angry why would I be angry? I’m worried though”

“Why? It’s probably just that stomach thingy I had coming back”

“Molly, you told me you got rid of that when you were 16”

“I did but the doctor said it could come back, that the solution wasn’t permanent.”

“What did he say to do if it ever came back?”

“He said to go see him but that was when I was still living in Adelaide, and its different, I never threw up.”

“Okay, well I think we should go the doctors.”

“Why? I know what they are going to do take a blood test then tell me nothing is wrong. I went through that for over 2 years Harry I don’t want to go through that again.”

“Just please go today to be sure it isn’t something else” Harry pleaded.

“Fine, I’ll go but just because I hate seeing you this worried” she joked pinching his cheek.

                “I hate hospitals” Harry said draping his arm around Molly’s shoulders as they walked into the hospital.

“Then why did you make me come?”

“Because I was worried”

“You’re pathetic” Molly shook her head.

“Molly Kirchner?” the doctor called he looked about 45 and was balding. They both stood up and followed the doctor into his office.

“So Molly, what seems to be the problem?”

“When I woke up this morning I wasn’t feeling well and about 10:00 I was throwing up rather violently.”

“Is there a possibility you could be pregnant?”

“Ah, no we always use protection” Harry said defensively.

“Okay, is there any other reason why you might have been so sick?”

“When I was 14 I started feeling sick and nobody knew what it was, when I was 16 I had a surgery and it worked but the doctor said it could still come back”

“I doubt something like that would come back so violently so soon, I think you should just take this home and if it comes back negative come back and see me but if not give this guy a call.”

“Uh, I’m not pregnant” Molly said handing back the test.

“Just take it home and use it, and if your not pregnant there is nothing to worry about.”

                “Uh, you going to do that now?” Harry asked when they got home.

“May as well we have nothing to worry about” Molly said confidently.

                “What the hell” Molly murmured to herself in the bathroom.

“What was that, hun?”

“Uh nothing,” she hadn’t realized she had spoken that loud that he could hear her, “you can come in now”

“I cant you locked the door”

“Oh okay, now you can come in”

“Babe you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” She didn’t say anything just handed him the pregnancy test and sat on the edge of the bath.

“What? How? When? Are you okay?” Harry stumbled to find the right question.

“I’m fine, just a little shaken up”

“What do we do know?”

“I guess we ring that guy” He nodded and went to make the call.


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Justine xoxo

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