chapter 6

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Y/n and Cainka continue to duel. But Cainka was determined to right the wrong that he believed was done to him. 

Suddenly another pair of blades goes right past Y/n, he backs up.

Y/n: Ika.

Ika stands in front of him.

Ika doesn't say a word and stabs at Y/n who dodges. 

Y/n now has to deal with a two on one, he had skill, but he wasn't dealing with pushovers.

Ika pulls out a whip.

Ika: Remember this?! The whip I made with that monster I killed for you! Now it'll be you're end!

The whip was a far more dangerous weapon than anything else they had.

Ika cracked the whip at fast speeds, the end pierced through Y/n's shoulder.

He screamed in pain as it exited his shoulder.

Wraith was in the back of the battle, dealing with mercenaries. 

She started to feel uneasy, this seemed familiar. That's when it clicked in her head, her nightmares. Their becoming real.

Wraith: Y/n!

Wraith speeds off and sees Y/n in a unsavory position.

Cainka and Ika have him at their mercy.

Cainka picks Y/n up by the neck, he is about to cut Y/n open. 

Wraith lunges in and stabs Cainka in the neck multiple times, he drops Y/n who quickly stabs through Cainka's heart and kills him.

Ika laughs.

Ika: Fine, I'll do it myself.

Y/n: Ika! You're throwing away everything you've ever done for this!

Ika: There was no greater shame for me, then you're rejection. I thought that after all I did, you'd be more than happy to have me as a life mate.

Y/n: That isn't love! 

Ika: I beg to differ.

Ika lunges at Y/n, he dodges and kicks her away.

Y/n: I'll let you die with honor. Get up and duel me!

Ika stands up.

Ika and Y/n begin to duel, both can't land a solid slash or stab. Any move could end this fight.

Ika goes for a stab, Y/n dodges and stabs her through the chest.

Ika groans and they both fall to their knees. Y/n pulls his blades out.

Ika: *weakly* Y/n...I...I always loved you.

Ika falls down sideways and dies.

Y/n looks at Ika's dead body.

Y/n: I'm sorry, Ika. Maybe in a different life, we would be life mates.

Y/n gets up and Wraith approaches.

Wraith: Y/n. Are you okay!

Y/n: I'm fine.

The Flame clan continues to win the fight, more and more bad bloods die, eventually they all die out, and with them the mercenaries.

The Flame clan roars in victory.

Y/n and Wraith go home.

They get into Y/n's ship.

Wraith: Y/n, there's something we need to talk about.

Y/n: Yeah?

Wraith: I want you to be honest with me, do you have any kids?

Y/n: Not that I know of. All my former mates were not of the Flame clan. If I have children, I wouldn't be made aware.

Wraith: That's...not the answer I expected. 

Y/n than begun to think about that.

Y/n: I could have possibly missed a kid growing up. 

Wraith began to feel bad.

Wraith: Y/n, I'm sorry.

Y/n: Don't be. I didn't tell about the mating season, because humans don't normally understand the cultural obligations for it.  It was fun when I was younger, but as I got older. I wanted something more, a lasting commitment.  I could have had Ika as a life mate, and end that whole concern.  But I didn't love Ika.  I love you.

Wraith: That was a pretty indecent proposal, back on the mothership.

Y/n: Sorry, it was more convincing that way.

Wraith: *blushes* I wouldn't mind, if we actually got married.  

Y/n: Y...yeah! I...was actually planning on proposing soon. 

The atmosphere got akward.

As they were jumping to their home system, Wraith pulled Y/n in and kissed him passionately. 

When they parted, they were right above the planet.

They smile at each other.

When they get home, they shower and go straight to bed.

One adventure ends. But there is always more to have.

male reader x Wraith. Her sanityWhere stories live. Discover now