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Word Count: 5252
Song Choice: Decode - Paramore

Sanzu and I fixed ourselves and finally left the mansion. We sat in a comfortable silence the way there but that soon came to a halt when we arrived.

I looked at the place and was almost breathless at the atmosphere

"Nervous?" He asked.

The club was lively at this time of night, so many beautiful women walking in and out.

"I would've done my makeup differently if I knew it was a goddamn strip club" I said getting out of the car. "I also wouldn't have had Koko bring my son here"

Sanzu held his arm out for me to take, instantly walking in all eyes were on us. Mainly the bitches he fucked with at the club couldn't stop staring, a lot of them looked pissed.

I try not to think about the girls the dudes in the house fuck around with since it'll only throw me in a spiral. I understand it's hypocritical of me but I just want them all to myself.

Mia what are you saying.

I shook my head to rid those thoughts.

"You alright?" Sanzu asked.

"Yea just very loud and there's a lot of people" I said over the music.

I looked around a bit more which I wish I never did. I saw Rin walking to the back with a girl in his hand, my heart hurt just a bit. Fucking idiot Mia, you're a fucking idiot.

"Keep your eyes forward, you're mine tonight" He said noticing what I had seen.

He held me from the side closer and grabbed my ass.

"You're all mine tonight" He said in my ear.

We walked to the back room where the meeting would be held in the private dining hall. We walked in and could see everybody having a good time before starting.

Koko and Yuta talking about whatever.

Ran sitting alone twirling his baton between his fingers waiting for his brother.

Takeomi chatting with Kaku.

Izana attempting to talk to Mikey who was already eating.


I looked at him and he looked at me and then I looked at Kaku who gave me an "I know what the fuck" look.

Sanzu and I sat down and chatted waiting for Rindou to finish fucking his whore.

"Sorry I'm late" Rindou said fixing his tie walking into the room and taking a seat between myself and his brother.

Of course, I looked over at Sanzu and spoke loudly enough for him to hear. "Switch seats with me will you?"

He nodded and switched with me so I was now in between him and Koko.

"Don't get yourself in trouble tonight" Koko said under his breath to me taking a sip of his drink.

"We're just waiting on one more person" Mikey said.

Who else could we be waiting on? I could feel Rin looking over at me every few chances he got. I look hot and I fucking know it, hell I just got fucked on the hallway floor of a mansion.

"You're shaking" Sanzu said placing his hand on my bouncing thigh.

Kaku's eyes watched Sanzu's movements and he knew immediately. He got up and excused himself for a moment.

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