Part 2 - 019

484 15 35

(Shinichiro Sano)

Word Count: 2870Song: Love Me - Lil Wayne

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Word Count: 2870
Song: Love Me - Lil Wayne

We have no joke walked around the entire fucking mansion and we cannot find these two idiots. Ive tried calling Mikey over a million times where Izana had called Shin a million times.

"I literally dont know where the fuck they could be" I said sitting on the hallway floor with my hands on my forehead.

"Maybe we should just give up?" He joked. I did not laugh. "Whats your plan anyways? Tell them Kisaki is an evil mastermind who strung everything in the last 10 years together all by manipulating people?"

"Thats exactly what im going to do. You need to believe me, this is all his doing, if it werent for him we wouldnt be in this mess."

After saying that the front door of the mansion opened, Izana and I both turning our heads to see Shin and Mikey walking in with takeout in their hands.

"Youve got to be fucking joking right now" I said getting up. I walked straight up to them and interrupted their conversation while Izana tried to hold me back. "Weve been looking for you guys for almost 2 HOURS! WE THOUGHT YOU TWO WERE FIGHTING TO THE DEATH!"

"Woah chill out Mi's" Mikey laughed.

I began violently slapping the shit out of his arm "CHILL OUT!? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?"

"For real, were fine" Shin said taking a sip out of his drink.

I slowly turned to him and before i could lunge at him Izana held me down. "IM GONNA KILL HIM! LET ME GO IM GONNA FUCKING KILL HIM!"

"Can you two please help me before she rips all of our heads off?" Izana asked struggling to hold me down.

After calming me down i decided to hear them out.

"So you see" Shin started. "At first we were fighting, we were close to killing each other actually but then we started to hear loud moaning from one of the rooms next to us and all we heard was "If im going to die i wanna die getting laid" Followed by more moaning"

At that point Izana and I turned to look at each other.

"And then we started laughing because we saw Sanzu in the room straight across being repeatedly dunked underwater by his own little sister. At that point Mikey and I looked at each other and started to laugh hysterical and one thing led to another an we went and got KFC"

It was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Thats when Mikey turned to me. "Want a chicken wing?" Izana looked to me to see my eyes nearly popping out of my head.

I said nothing as i simply walked away. "Where are you going?" Izana called out to me.

"The roof. im gonna jump"

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