11. Riddles 2 (F)

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This story is unedited so apologies for grammatical and spelling errors if any.


Fiora's (POV)

It's been over a week since I saw that beautiful white wolf from then on I have been searching for that wolf to somehow magically appear I am stuck at this one place there is no way to go beyond this, the map says to go beyond the waterfall and there is no way to go beyond the waterfall, like how? I am going crazy, irritated, and frustrated

In these past few days, I figured there was a connection between wolves and humans here... how?... still figuring it out, I went to the library, to find out more about the town's history but all I could find about the town was its architecture and flora and fauna which do include vast species of wolves and they mostly dominate the fauna of this area not surprising

Back at the office, everything seemed to be working, just fine the project we were working on was going smoothly though, Our gorgeous CEO tried to have a conversation with me or I think so, but I avoided him, I felt as if I talk to him other than work I might start something unavoidable, so yeah I avoided having alone time with him

Right now, I want someone I can talk to and my prayers didn't go to waste

Hey, Miss Mary, I turned back to find the CEO standing in a casual outfit, and again I was tempted by some sinful thoughts I sometimes wondered do I had the same effect on him as he had on me. Then I dismissed it

I smiled at him, too fatigued to bother with formalities. "Hey Mr CEO," I said, he sat down next to me and initiated a conversation

"Wow! I never thought you'd speak to me so casually," he remarked, sounding pleasantly surprised.

I chuckled softly. "Why's that?"

"Well, considering you've been avoiding me, I figured..." He trailed off, a faint smile playing on his lips.
I giggled a little

It's nothing like that I have been dealing with some things lately,


can't tell, I too am figuring out

I am all ears if you want to

After a little pause, I decided to talk to him about my situation not entirely though

There are bits and pieces everywhere that seem to be related somehow but don't know how...I am confused that's it

It might be helpful if you drop some hints on what is troubling you and I can help if you want me too

I giggled at the way he said those words it was cute, after a few moments of silence I decided to speak, smile still not leaving me

I encountered wolves last week a few meters away from here

I turned my head towards him to see his expression but all I could see was a calm loving expression so I continued with a smile

you might think I am crazy after this but... there was this white wolf that protected me from those other wolves

he smiled at the mention of a white wolf I knew he would think I was crazy but anyway, I continued

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