24. Turmoil inside (F)

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This story is unedited so apologies for grammatical and spelling errors if any.


Fiora (POV)

Waking up in an unfamiliar place, I was initially filled with confusion and apprehension. However, as I scanned the room, my eyes landed on my book, accompanied by a reassuring note from Zack.

"Welcome to your new home. I'm sorry I couldn't prepare a meal for you; duty called. I've arranged for two days of sick leave and your luggage transfer. I'll call when I can. There are supplies in the pantry; feel free to help yourself. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to reach out. From Sexy Zack and Hairy Theo"

I smiled at the note and was grateful for his kindness, I reached for my phone and quickly typed out a message expressing my heartfelt thanks to Zack for his support and assistance

I quickly surveyed the house, appreciating its lack of ostentation. Desperate for some privacy, I was relieved to know I could finally have the space to myself and come and go as I pleased. Hostels had too many time restrictions, often forcing me to sneak out just to have some freedom.

The first thing I did was prepare a meal for myself; I was famished. I whipped up some stuffed potato flatbread with spiced yoghurt and savoured it in blissful solitude. As I unpacked and settled my belongings, I called my parents for a lengthy chat. It was a comforting hour of catching up, all while I sorted through my meagre possessions

Afterwards, I took some time to catch up on office updates and what I needed to prepare for before officially returning to work after nearly ten days of leave.

During our conversation, I sensed a hint of rudeness in the lady's voice. However, I quickly dismissed the thought of dwelling on it, reminding myself that I didn't have the luxury to delve into office politics. Whatever the issue, I resolved to address it directly in the office. Besides, I had my hands full managing a substantial portion of my parents' business, which seemed to have accumulated an overwhelming backlog in my absence. I promptly called upon my subordinates to provide updates on all that had transpired during my time away.

In my circle, consisting mainly of business partners and colleagues, Zack stands out as a notable figure. Despite our professional ties, it's disheartening that he never seemed to notice me. My role as my parents' assistant's assistant kept me in the shadows, with only one person in the office aware of my true identity i.e. my parents' assistant 'Myra'. She's the one I confide in about my matters making her technically my only friend who accepts me for who I am.

 Zack and I only interacted in formal settings, and it's clear he doesn't remember our past working relationship. Now, I'm torn between conflicting emotions. On one hand, discovering a deeper connection with Zack through my powers is fulfilling, yet it saddens me to think that without them, we might not have even been friends. It's a poignant reminder of the beautiful relationships that might have been missed.

While I worked, a persistent thought plagued me: "Who am I doing this for? Even if I possessed immense control over my power, which I don't, what would be the purpose of it all? What drives my daily grind to unravel the mysteries of my abilities? I go through the motions day after day, like a robot, seeking answers about my powers without a clear end goal. I find it difficult to engage with people in ordinary, purposeless conversations. Casual interactions devoid of transactional intent seem foreign to me. As for romantic relationships, I shy away, fearing that I might inadvertently cause harm to those I care about"

Exhaustion consumed me, despite the day not being overly long since I woke up. I found it increasingly difficult to focus on my work. My mind incessantly posed perplexing questions, all centred around the simple word: "Why? , Why am I doing any of this?" The only clear answer that surfaced was to avoid causing pain to my parents, and beyond that, I felt adrift, lacking any real purpose in my existence. I couldn't discern the driving force behind my struggles, leaving me questioning the point of it all. At times, the thought of simply ceasing to exist seemed like an appealing resolution to this existential quandary.

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