13.Snowy Secrets (F)

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This story is unedited so apologies for grammatical and spelling errors if any.


Fiora's (POV)

I reluctantly dragged myself out of the warmth of my cosy blanket, feeling its comforting embrace slip away with each step. There was a persistent knock at the door, disrupting the tranquillity of my morning cocoon. Reluctantly, I wrapped the blanket tighter around myself, shuffling towards the door with heavy, half-asleep eyes.

As I swung the door open, my gaze fell upon him - a man. Not just any man, but a hunk, exuding an effortless charm that seemed almost unfair, especially at this ungodly hour. I couldn't help but wonder, could this man ever look anything less than impeccably handsome, even in the early hours of the morning?

Summoning what little energy I had left, I managed a lacklustre greeting. "Good morning, sir."

He flashed a knowing smile, clearly amused by my dishevelled appearance. "Fiora, I hate to disturb you but, it's nearly breakfast time. As much as you may resist leaving your cosy sanctuary, we don't want people waiting for us. It wouldn't do to keep them waiting," he remarked, his voice carrying a gently chiding tone.

"It's minus 4 degrees outside, You've got to be kidding me. It snowed last night, and I'm exhausted. I refuse to leave my cosy room. Let them all have breakfast without me. I'm not stopping anyone. I'm too sleepy; I'm going to bed," I grumbled, casting a pout in his direction as if he were not just my boss, but my comrade for a long time.

Despite my feeble protest, he sauntered into my room and closed the door behind him, then settled onto my bed. "What do you think you're doing?" I demanded, annoyance lacing my words and protest evident in my tone.

"You said your room is warm, right? Well, I'm cold. Let me bask in some of that warmth. You can snuggle up beside me and get some rest," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes as if he hadn't just invited me to share his bed.

"Why couldn't I have noticed what a jerk you are?" I seethed, my face flushing with a mix of anger, shyness, and embarrassment. With a swift motion, I yanked the blanket from around me and hurled it at him before turning towards my cupboard to retrieve my clothes. Without glancing in his direction, I stormed off to the shower, though I couldn't ignore the faint sound of his chuckle.

'It's six in the morning, who the hell has breakfast this early?' I muttered to myself as I dried my hair as if my grumbling could somehow change the situation. Zackary was nowhere to be found, and my bed was neatly made, a handwritten note resting atop it. It read, 'I'm sorry if I overdid it, but our client is rather punctual about meals, and I didn't want them to have a bad first impression of you. As an apology, you can ask me anything today, and I won't deny it as long as it's within my reach.'

'It's both endearing and irritating, reminding me of how unprofessional this situation has become. I swore I'd keep it strictly business with him, so what happened to that resolve my smartass mind? Were you sleeping on your job? Well, technically, you were, but...' My thoughts trailed off as I glanced out the window to see the snow falling gently. It was mesmerizing, with pine trees dotting the landscape, forming a distant forest. But amidst the serene scene, something unsettling caught my eye.

A four-legged creature seemed to morph into a humanoid figure. I squinted, trying to get a clearer view, but it vanished before I could discern more. This wasn't a normal world; my guard went up instantly. 'Stay alert, Fiora.'

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