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What is the true meaning of this action we call life? And is it worth living if all we do in the end is die? Are hotdogs sandwiches? Those are the kind of questions people come to us for, cause we can answer them. Sounds unbelievable right? Well, it's real alright. The organization that I work for is called ATA (all the answers), and I make money off of answering all your "impossible questions". How we do this is information I usually wouldn't be able to tell a client. But you here are special since We are gonna kill you after this all anyway. To fully understand how we do it you'd have to hear the story from the start, as in the Big Bang.

Some people believe in a big man in the sky, or a bunch of big men made the universe, the truth is it was a guy high on mushrooms in dimension 576. And he broke into one of our facilities, got into our creator lab, and made your little world. Yeah if you wanna blame anyone for how messed up your life is, blame him. To be truthful we were making the perfect universe with the perfect creatures living there, dogs. What? Humans? Oh no, you are the fucked up ones that the druggy made instead. The truly perfect beings are dogs. Yeah, he just made them dumber for some reason. Anyways, your dimension ended up being one of our greatest money makers, but also our greatest failure since you all just keep killing each other, and your own planet. Yeah, that high guy really fucked that place up.

Anyway, since he is the one who created the universe, we really already had the answers to all of the questions you guys asked, but we can only get it out of him as long as he is high. So he is basically our prisoner, but he enjoys it. So yeah that answers your question. What? You never asked? Whatever. Well, it seems they are asking for you to be brought out to the execution area, so this is my goodbye, bye~.

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