Chapter 2

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"I don't care! Last I saw, a student was beat to a pulp, a girl was crying, and you were in the middle of it all!" Ms. Cinder yelled as she pointed at the blonde girl.

Other, calmer teacher, Mr. Qrow, shook his head. "You are aware that Cardin has been bullying kids since the second grade, and you haven't done anything about it," he combatted, "Give the girl a break!"

"And she punched him!"

"And he put his hands on another student, who wasn't able to defend herself,".

The two adults went back and forth as Yang, Blake, and Cardin sat in front of the principal's desk. As they sat, Blake looked over at Yang who was staring holes into the bottom of her chair, no doubt feeling guilt about letting her semblance hurt somebody.

"I think having to listen to you two argue is enough punishment for these three," the principal sighed.

"Excuse me, but Cardin should still get in trouble for being a bully!" Yang finally said, trying to stand up for Blake.

"Young lady, that is none of your concern, and it would do you well to keep your mouth shut if you don't want further repercussions," Ms. Cinder sniped at the blonde.

In the end, Yang got suspended for two days, while Cardin was suspended for a week.


Yang entered her classroom and sat down. She couldn't help but look around for the dark haired girl. Luckily, they met eyes and smiled as the teacher began her lesson.


In middle school, the two girls separated. Blake went to Pharos Academy, while Yang attended Signal. The blonde was surrounded by so many people, but tried so hard to remember the allure of those amber eyes she once saw as a child. Of course, all things eventually fade away, as did the reason to think about the eyes.

One thing that Yang loved was to make music. She was a band kid, playing percussion, trumpet, and guitar, and well, you get the point. The blonde had all of this musical creativity, but didn't know what she wanted to be. Then it hit her.

She was riding in the car with her father, when the topic was brought up.

"Why not be a music producer?"

"What's that?"

"They make the instrumentals for songs and arrange everything. They generally know how to play at least 1 instrument, and you know how to play, how many again?"


"Yeah, you'd do just fine,"

"Huh, you're right!"


Blake never forgot. If anything, she thought about Yang everyday. Not in a stalkerish way, but the look of those amethyst pearls as they turned red for a split second almost haunted her. However, it was a strange feeling. Of course, as everything does, her mind eventually moved on as the girls transitioned into High School.

The ravenette loved to sing. She was incredibly shy, but choir was her safe place. She never was pressured to do anything she didn't want to, and she had fun. And the thing, as well, was that she had a beautiful voice. So much so that, like an reasonable person, she considered a career in it. She simply didn't know where to get started. Of course, she'd find out later


In High School, Yang made a ton of new friends. She even pulled a few dates, but nothing ever felt right. They would tell her that they loved her, but she didn't have it in her to lie to them, thus breaking their hearts. Weiss had told her that she should just buckle down on her school work. Yang was preparing to go to a certain college specializing in Music Production, Berklee College of Music. It was rough, her tenth grade year, making the best grades she could. One could make the accurate assumption that she was rather lonely.


Blake had no problem being alone, although she felt like something was missing. She may have been an introvert, but she did have two ride or dies that would stick with her through the thick and thin. She was focused on a certain school, however. She wasn't interested in classical music, so she looked around until she saw the perfect place, Berklee College of Music. Perhaps there, she'd find what she was looking for...

Author's Note//
We still don't have a beta reader lol
Thanks so much for reading the second chapter of this story!!! It means a lot that you came back for more. The next chapter should be out between tomorrow and the day after 🖤💛

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